
March 3, 2025

Dear Friend:


Last week, the House passed our Budget Resolution. This resolution sets the framework to deliver on one big beautiful bill to extend the tax provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to provide tax relief to working families, secure the border and unburden American workers from unnecessary federal regulation.


To be clear, the passage of this resolution does not cut any provisions to Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, or anything else. It is a blueprint instructing committees to identify better investments and more savings to ensure the federal government is acting as a good steward of taxpayer dollars. House Republicans want to strengthen programs like Medicaid so it can continue serving the most vulnerable people it is intended to serve - namely pregnant women, children, those living with disabilities, and seniors - for generations to come. I look forward to working with the Senate to deliver the best possible outcome and pass President Trump's one, big beautiful bill to deliver for the American people.



American Trade Enforcement Priorities

The last Administration's weak approach to trade enforcement resulted in increased discrimination against American exports. In support of the Trump Administration's comprehensive review of U.S. trade, the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee held a hearing on American Trade Enforcement Priorities with a panel of experts. With this panel, we discussed how this Administration can ensure a level playing field with fair treatment for U.S. farmers and small businesses.


The Seventh District is #9 in the country for milk production. An increase in dairy market access in Canada is a major concern for our farmers, and I am disappointed Canada continues to keep U.S. producers from playing on a level field. I asked one panelist, Ambassador Gregg Doud, President and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation, about what kind of impact Canada's protectionist dairy policies have had on U.S. farmers and the importance of access to foreign markets. You can watch my whole conversation here.


Expanding Health Training in Rural Areas

There is no denying the workforce shortage in the healthcare industry and I am always looking for ways to change that. One mechanism is through Federal Nursing and Allied Health (N&AH). These are education programs designed to help providers maintain an adequate workforce by incentivizing the training of nonphysician professionals like anesthetists, occupational therapists, pharmacy residents, X-ray technologists, and nurses.

When these programs were created, there were no large health systems. The N&AH educational programs were housed in individual hospitals. This has prevented nursing and allied health students from training in smaller facilities outside their program's host hospitals, like those across western Minnesota. I am proud to cosponsor the bipartisan Rebuilding America's Health Care Schools Act, which would allow N&AH students to receive training at in-health system facilities in rural areas, helping alleviate staffing strains in those facilities.


Repeal the Death Tax

The Estate Tax, also known as the Death Tax, imposes an unfair and costly tax on on the transfer or property, land, and other assets from a deceased family member to their heirs. My colleagues on the Left like to claim that this is only impacting multi-millionaires and billionaires, but we in western Minnesota know it means family farms and small businesses don't get to pass down their life's work.


In industries that face so much uncertainty, from the weather to the markets, the uncertainty of our own country's tax code should not be the thing that destroys a family's life's work. Repealing the Death Tax is not just about financial relief; it is about preserving heritage and decades, even hundreds of years of work for future generations. I am proud to cosponsor Congressman Randy Feenstra's Repeal the Death Tax, which would permanently repeal this tax.



Thanks for Stopping By!


Thank you to MRES for taking the time to see me while you were in D.C. and for all the work you've been doing for our municipal electric utilities since the 1960s.


It was great to talk with Minnesota Realtors about their 2025 priorities while they were in Washington.


Mobile Office Hours in Pipestone March 25


My office is holding mobile office hours at the Meinders Community Library in Pipestone on Tuesday, March 25, from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. No appointment necessary!

If you have questions or feedback for my office, now is your chance to talk with my congressional staff directly. They can help you with issues such as passport processing, veterans’ needs, tax refunds, Social Security benefits, and also connect them with federal agencies (FEMA, the FSA, and more).

If you aren't able to make this one, keep an eye out for future mobile offices hours across the Seventh District. For any questions, please call my office at 320-403-6100.



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Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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