Congressman Kelly ArmstrongHello!

Last week, I spoke against duplicative methane regulations that disadvantage North Dakota energy workers, I helped launch the Conservative Climate Caucus, the House passed my bipartisan Justice for Juveniles Act, and more.

Continue reading below to learn about my week working for North Dakota.


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Duplicative Methane Regulations Disadvantage North Dakota Energy Workers

Last week I spoke against returning to duplicative methane emissions regulations that disadvantage North Dakota energy workers.

The real problem with these Obama era policies coming back is, not only are they duplicative regulations, but they actually stifle innovation. One thing state regulators can do significantly better than the federal government is respond quickly and adapt. So when an industry comes to you and says ‘hey I have a way to do this better’, they will work with you, they will get it done. We see it happen every single day in the oil patch in western North Dakota.

My full remarks from the House floor can be found here


Conservative Climate Caucus Focuses on Innovation, not Government Control


North Dakota is proof that we can develop our natural resources while protecting our environment. I joined more than 50 members of Congress to launch the Conservative Climate Caucus, which will focus on sharing conservative climate solutions that align with Republican principles and are based on an agenda that will make real progress through American innovation and ultimately enhance American prosperity.

More information about the caucus can be found here.

House Passes the Justice for Juveniles Act

Earlier this year, I introduced the Justice for Juveniles Act along with Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA), which the House overwhelmingly passed last week. This bipartisan legislation will help protect minors from abuse in custody by exempting them from the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA). Under current guidelines, the PLRA makes it difficult for abused youth to seek remedy by setting burdensome requirements before a lawsuit can be filed, limiting the types of relief that can be received, preventing lawsuits for emotional injuries, and creating obstacles that can impede retention of adequate legal representation.

More information can be found here.


Supporting the US-Taiwan Relationship


Meeting with Local North Dakota Leaders


Advocating for our Farmers and Ranchers


Kelly's Clips

The Hill - House votes to nix Trump methane rule

KFYR - ND Congressional Delegation reacts to President Biden’s latest attempts at gun reform

KTEN - Biden administration backs end to the disparity of cocaine sentences

KX News - Conservative Climate Caucus aims to mitigate climate crisis through private industry, not regulation

Contact Me

Thank you for reading! As your congressman, I’m here to serve you. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to my offices in Bismarck, Fargo and Washington. If you enjoyed this newsletter be sure to forward it to your family and friends so they can stay informed on what I’m doing in Washington and throughout North Dakota.

Signed - Kelly Armstrong
Kelly Armstrong
Member of Congress


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