April 25, 2022

Thank you for subscribing to my District Download, a weekly update on what’s happening in Washington, D.C. and across Eastern and Southeastern Ohio. 


Washington County Visits & Good News


Announcing good news for some Washington County homeowners on April 21.

On Thursday, I spent my day in Washington County talking to constituents, workers, and business owners. 

I started off the morning by speaking with members of the Washington Electric Co-Op. A major point of discussion was the electric grid and the reckless “rush to green” movement by the Biden Administration. Folks at the Washington Electric Co-Op are not the only ones worried about this. It's a hot topic everywhere I go.

Afterwards, I spoke at the Southeastern Ohio Oil & Gas Association’s Spring meeting. I addressed issues like inflation, and how energy and the Biden Administration’s terrible energy policies are major drivers of the skyrocketing inflation that is essentially a tax on all Americans.  Additionally, I talked about how the Biden Administration’s reckless and dangerous policies designed to keep our abundant and affordable natural oil and gas resources in the ground are hurting all Americans.

I wrapped up the day in Marietta to deliver some good news regarding the decade long Devola sewer upgrade project. This project has been a source of contention between the state EPA, local elected officials, and local residents for years. Thanks to local, state, and federal collaboration and funding, this long-awaited project is set to begin this summer. It’s a major relief to the more than 2,700 affected homeowners, and I was happy to play a small role in making it happen.



Title 42 Madness

The Biden Administration says the COVID-19 pandemic is over so we can get rid of Title 42 at the southern border and open the gates for illegal immigrants. Title 42 keeps asylum seekers in Mexico until their appointment with the court, and to eliminate it now is a horrible decision with disastrous consequences. Even many members of the President’s own party are speaking out against it. It’s another example that demonstrates how this administration wants America's borders to be wide open, and any Americans harmed by their decisions are simply a cost this White House is willing to pay to achieve their ends.

But, get this: The Biden Administration still thinks we need mask mandates on planes and other public transportation because the pandemic isn't over. In fact, they’ve said they are going to appeal the recent court ruling that struck down these mandates.

Besides being wrong on the merits, these decisions defy common sense.


Vallourec Steel Visit

I visited Vallourec Star in Youngstown this past week. Vallourec creates steel-based solutions designed for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas deposits—drilling operations, line pipe, shaft equipment, etc.—in the most extreme conditions.

For years, a number of domestic industries, including the American steel industry, have faced waves of dumped and subsidized imports into the U.S. market, mostly from China. The House should take up my bipartisan legislation, H.R. 6121, which I introduced with my Democratic colleague Terri Sewell of Alabama. This bill, the Eliminating Global Market Distortions to Protect American Jobs Act of 2021, would create new successive antidumping and countervailing duty investigations to target repeat offenders (i.e. China) by making it easier to bring new cases when foreign production attempts to dodge trade remedies by moving to another country.


  At Vallourec in Youngstown on April 18.


Update on Ukraine 

As a member of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus, I have been inspired by our nation, and others around the world, to step up and help defend Ukraine from the senseless and tragic invasion by Russian forces.

Last week, the United States provided an additional $1.3 billion military and operations aid will fortify Ukraine’s defenses and help ensure the continuation of essential services. I stand with the Ukrainian people as they defend themselves against this senseless attack on their sovereign nation. 


Thank you again for subscribing to my weekly District Download. If you have something on your mind, you can contact me at one of the numbers below, or send me an email by clicking on this link here to contact me. It is my pleasure to serve you, and I hope to see you around Eastern and Southeastern Ohio soon. 



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