News from Representative Smucker


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This week I want to share with you my thoughts on congressional Democrats’ plans to raise taxes during a recession, the long-term financial outlook of our nation, how scientific innovation can strengthen our supply chains, available internship opportunities, and ways my office can assist you.

I enjoy hearing from you and responding to questions from your emails, phone calls, and letters. If you would like to share your concerns or opinions with me, or if you have questions about legislation or specific votes, you can send me an email here.

Congressional Democrats’ Plan Tax Hikes During a Recession

Senate Democrats have passed legislation today that they’ve titled the “Inflation Reduction Act.” However, the title completely mischaracterizes the legislation. Leading economists at the University of Penn Wharton School Budget Model have reported that they have “a very low level of confidence that the legislation will have any impact on inflation.” The non-profit Tax Foundation reports “the long-run impact on inflation is particularly uncertain but likely close to zero.”

Not only does the legislation fail its stated purpose, but it also actually makes matters worse for middle-class families. The Joint Committee on Taxation, a non-partisan bicameral committee of Congress, reports that the Democrats’ legislation will raise approximately $16 billion in taxes from individuals making less than $200,000 per year, contrary to President Biden’s oft-repeated promises about taxes.

This legislation will not help our economy recover. The American economy has shrunk for two straight quarters – meeting the definition of a recession. No amount of spin or handwringing over definitions from the Biden administration can change the fact that Americans are struggling in this economy. Since taking office, the Biden administration has been in denial about the state of the economy. First, on inflation and now about recession. I spoke about this latest devastating economic news on the floor of the House. Click below to watch my brief remarks.

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Raising taxes during a recession is terrible public policy. Democrats, including some leading this legislation, used to agree with my last statement. They have now changed their mind, and the American people will pay the price.



Long-term Financial Outlook Paints Bleak Outlook

Last week the Congressional Budget Office released its annual Long-Term Budget Outlook for the next thirty years. The report paints a bleak outlook about the future financial health of our nation. They report: “Federal deficits are projected to nearly triple…debt reaches 185 percent of GDP in 2052.” The chart below demonstrates how our national debt poses a significant threat to our future.


Congress must urgently act to change the trajectory of our financial future and get our fiscal house in order.

Innovation in synthetic biology can strengthen American supply chains

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed domestic supply chain gaps that have impacted the lives of all Americans. Global shutdown orders put a magnifying glass on where we source our goods and revealed how vulnerable our domestic production capability is without access to raw materials, chemicals, and many other inputs.

The lessons we’ve learned from identifying these gaps have Congress rethinking measures to promote additional domestic manufacturing. While Congress was myopically focused on the manufacturing of semiconductors, it is critical that Congress holistically consider how we keep America’s economy competitive in advanced technologies.

Read my latest op-ed in The Hill on how Congress should consider in future debates how emerging industries, like synthetic biology, can play a key role in shoring up supply chains

Internships in Washington and District offices are available! 

My office is looking for interested students and individuals to apply for available internship opportunities in my Washington, DC, and district offices. A qualified intern candidate will possess familiarity with the American political system and Congress, have an interest in current events and news, as well as demonstrate strong communication skills and work ethic.

For more information on our intern programs and to apply, please click here to visit my website.

I would like to thank our hard-working summer interns, Riley and Corey, who served in our Washington office, as well as Michael and Ashlyn, who served in our Lancaster office. Thanks for your help serving the people of Pennsylvania’s 11th Congressional District! 


Around the District

It was great to meet with Ed Foster, the director of the Lancaster Airport, to discuss the great things happening at the airport, federal funding, and the impact of regulations. Thanks for visiting Washington!


July 27, 2022, was National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. It was an honor to meet Shirley McBride who was visiting Washington for the dedication ceremony of the Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance.

Shirley, of Columbia, served our nation in the Women’s Army Corps during the Korean War. She is an active member of Lancaster County’s Korean War Veterans Association. May God bless all our veterans. Thank you for your service, Shirley!


Assistance for 2021 Taxes Available  

As we entered this year’s tax filing season, the IRS faces an enormous backlog of millions of unprocessed paper returns from the previous filing year. While the IRS is continuing to process paper returns filed this year, please know that I am continually fighting to ensure that you receive the level of service that you deserve from federal agencies. 

If your 2021 tax return has not been processed, or if you have questions or concerns about your 2021 tax return, my office may be able to help. We can’t always guarantee the outcome that individuals want, but we work to get an answer to your questions and concerns.

In order to contact a federal agency on your behalf, federal law requires that you grant my office permission to reach out to an agency on your behalf. This is done by completing what’s known as a Privacy Act Consent Form.

Click here to be taken to the digital copy of the Privacy Act Consent Form. Please also attach a signed and dated copy of your tax return.

If you would like to print and mail a hard copy of your Privacy Act Consent Form to my office, please click here to complete and print the simple webform. Additionally, please also include a signed and dated copy of your tax return along with your signed Privacy Act Consent Form.   

If I can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to contact my offices. My office will always strive to provide you with prompt, professional and respectful service.

Here to Help

Many individuals have recently contacted my office looking for assistance with their unemployment compensation claims, which are administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, not federal agencies. If you’re seeking assistance with your unemployment claim, you can contact your state legislator for assistance. Click here to find your state legislator’s contact information

Last month the new 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline was launched. Individuals who are struggling or in crisis can simply call or text 988 to reach trained counselors. Individuals can also visit to chat with a counselor. Click here to learn more about the lifeline from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Looking for information on federal grants? Learn more about the grant awarding process and search the federal database of grant programs at

If you have any questions or issues with a federal agency, please know that my office is here to assist you. You can call my district or Washington, DC offices for assistance or visit my website for any issue with a federal agency or department.

Stay Connected

To stay up-to-date on my work in the district and Washington, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also check out my YouTube page, where there are 100+ videos, many of which are direct responses to your questions.

Lloyd Smucker

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