News from Representative Smucker


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This week I want to recap a great month of visits across the 11th Congressional District, my thoughts on the Democrats’ so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” Biden’s student loan decision, and ways my office can assist you. I hope you have a great Labor Day holiday weekend.

I enjoy hearing from you and responding to questions from your emails, phone calls, and letters. If you would like to share your concerns or opinions with me, or if you have questions about legislation or specific votes, you can send me an email here.

Response to President Biden's Speech in Philadelphia

President Biden has no intention of unifying this country and his remarks on Thursday evening only served to further divide the nation. Biden’s disdain for those who disagree with him was on display as he demonized his fellow citizens. What the American people witnessed this week is the latest extraordinary failure of leadership from President Biden.

Biden Student Loan Decision Costly, Inflationary, and Likely Unconstitutional

President Biden’s decision to unilaterally cancel federal student loan debt is a slap in the face to those who worked hard to pay for their education, those who never took on debt to pursue their education, and those who chose another career path. His decision is short-sighted, inflationary, costly, and likely unconstitutional.

Biden’s decision does nothing to lower the cost of education. Instead, it will make college degrees more expensive while simultaneously creating the expectation of the government to cancel more debt in the future. The 80 percent of Americans who have no college debt will now be paying for the less than 20 percent that promised to pay it back.

Rather than engaging in the hard work of addressing the affordability of education, Biden has kowtowed to the most progressive elements of his party and has created a massive government giveaway. All on the backs of the American taxpayer. Biden’s student loan giveaway is estimated to cost each taxpayer approximately $2,000, according to the National Taxpayers Union.

Click here to read my full statement about Biden’s decision.

More Unsustainable Spending in Democrats’ So-Called “Inflation” Legislation 

While our nation is experiencing 40-year high inflation in a recession, Democrats passed another massive spending bill which they dubbed the “Inflation Reduction Act.” Their legislation will not reduce inflation, but it will result in more IRS audits for middle-class Americans, and fewer lifesaving medical cures. I voted against the measure.

Just last week, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that “the president’s record on fiscal responsibility is second-to-none.” Do not fall for their spin. There is nothing fiscally responsible about the Biden administration, as they have already spent $3.8 trillion since taking office.

Click the video below to watch my comments from the House floor discussing the Democrats’ “inflation” legislation.

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Around the District

Thanks to local small businesses in the restaurant and hospitality industry for joining me for a roundtable discussion in Wrightsville. I appreciated your insight and discussion about how issues with workforce, supply chains, and inflation have impacted your businesses.

Thanks to Richard Beresford of Lancaster for your service to our nation in the United States Armed Forces! I visited Richard to present him with a commemorative Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin, a small token of appreciation for his service.

Saubel's Markets is a third-generation family-owned grocery with four locations. I appreciated learning how they have adapted to supply chain issues, workforce shortages, and how inflation has impacted their business and their customers.


It was great to get a behind-the-scenes tour to learn about the soon-to-open Penn State Health Lancaster Medical Center!


Many manufacturers proudly call #PA11 home. It was great to learn more about the work being done by 150 employees at the Shyft Group in Landisville. Thanks for the warm welcome!


I appreciated learning more about the impact of federal policy on ambulatory surgery centers by visiting North Pointe Surgery Center in Lancaster. 


Remembering the Fallen 

It has now been over one year since 13 members of the United States Armed Forces lost their lives in service to our nation during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. May we pray for their families and loved ones.


Assistance for 2021 Taxes Available

As we entered this year’s tax filing season, the IRS faces an enormous backlog of millions of unprocessed paper returns from the previous filing year. While the IRS is continuing to process paper returns filed this year, please know that I am continually fighting to ensure that you receive the level of service that you deserve from federal agencies. 

If your 2021 tax return has not been processed, or if you have questions or concerns about your 2021 tax return, my office may be able to help. We can’t always guarantee the outcome that individuals want, but we work to get an answer to your questions and concerns.

In order to contact a federal agency on your behalf, federal law requires that you grant my office permission to reach out to an agency on your behalf. This is done by completing what’s known as a Privacy Act Consent Form.

Click here to be taken to the digital copy of the Privacy Act Consent Form. Please also attach a signed and dated copy of your tax return.

If you would like to print and mail a hard copy of your Privacy Act Consent Form to my office, please click here to complete and print the simple webform. Additionally, please also include a signed and dated copy of your tax return along with your signed Privacy Act Consent Form.   

If I can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to contact my offices. My office will always strive to provide you with prompt, professional and respectful service.

Best Wishes for a Great School Year! 

Best wishes for a successful year to all the students, staff, and teachers returning to school!


Here to Help

Many individuals have recently contacted my office looking for assistance with their unemployment compensation claims, which are administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, not federal agencies. If you’re seeking assistance with your unemployment claim, you can contact your state legislator for assistance. Click here to find your state legislator’s contact information

Recently the new 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline was launched. Individuals who are struggling or in crisis can simply call or text 988 to reach trained counselors. Individuals can also visit to chat with a counselor. Click here to learn more about the lifeline from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Be sure to share this information as September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

Looking for information on federal grants? Learn more about the grant awarding process and search the federal database of grant programs at

If you have any questions or issues with a federal agency, please know that my office is here to assist you. You can call my district or Washington, DC offices for assistance or visit my website for any issue with a federal agency or department.

Stay Connected

To stay up-to-date on my work in the district and Washington, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also check out my YouTube page, where there are 100+ videos, many of which are direct responses to your questions.

Lloyd Smucker

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