News from Representative Smucker


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This week I want to discuss the importance of Constitution Day, new estimates of unemployment insurance fraud, the Crucial Communism Teaching Act, and more.       

I enjoy hearing from you and responding to questions from your emails, phone calls, and letters. If you would like to share your concerns or opinions with me, or if you have questions about legislation or specific votes, you can send me an email here. Since my last e-newsletter, my office has answered 4,939 inquiries.

Celebrating 236 Years of Our Constitution

Today marks the 236th anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania on December 12, 1787, was the second state to ratify the Constitution.

Following the end of the Constitutional Convention, Dr. Benjamin Franklin, a delegate to the convention from Pennsylvania, was reportedly asked “what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Dr. Franklin replied, “a republic, if you can keep it.”

“Keeping” that republic has been the responsibility of each succeeding generations of Americans, and I commit my efforts in Congress to that goal. America, I believe, is the greatest nation in the history of the world. And our Constitution has created a system of government to allow our nation to flourish.  

As we observe National Constitution Day, I encourage you to reflect on the preamble to our Constitution:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

If you have the opportunity, I encourage you to visit the National Archives Museum to view our nation’s founding documents.


New Estimates of Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Released

A new report released by the Government Accountability Office, an independent and non-partisan watchdog organization created by Congress, estimates that pandemic-era unemployment fraud could be as much as $135 billion.

This theft of taxpayer funds is a national nightmare. Every dollar that was taken fraudulently was a dollar not spent assisting those truly in need. Throughout the pandemic, Republicans on the Ways & Means Committee worked tirelessly to advance legislation to assist states in combating this fraud. Our efforts, however, were rebuffed at every turn by Democrats on the committee.

After Republicans took back control of the House this year, we advanced the Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act to address this massive theft of taxpayer dollars. Listen to my remarks from earlier this year regarding the importance of advancing this legislation.

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Crucial Communism Teaching Act Advances in Committee

Legislation which I’ve cosponsored, the Crucial Communism Teaching Act, was approved by the House Education & Workforce Committee earlier this week.

This bill makes educational materials available through the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation to help educate middle and high school students about the dangers of communism and totalitarianism, and how they are contrary to the founding principles of freedom and democracy in the United States.

The Crucial Communism Teaching Act framework is inspired by the Never Again Education Act, passed by Congress in 2020, which created a program to educate American students about the Holocaust through the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

It is critical that we ensure students are taught the history of horrifying death and destruction caused by communism and the present dangers of this ideology. I remain concerned at the number of Americans who purportedly hold favorable views of this dangerous ideology. I will continue to defend our nation’s free enterprise system that creates opportunities for others to live their own American Dream. 

I thank my colleague Rep. Maria Salazar (FL-27) for introducing this legislation.

August in Review Recap 

Fall is almost officially here now that August is in the rearview mirror. Watch my brief August in Review video for a recap of my travels across PA-11!

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POW/MIA Recognition Day  

Friday, September 15, 2023, was POW/MIA Recognition Day. May we always remember and honor those members of the United States Armed Forces who were prisoners of war or are missing in action.


Visits in the District

I want to thank Ruby Jones of Lancaster County for meeting with me to discuss ways to improve federal nutrition assistance programs by providing increased nutritional education, as well as her work leading Perish No More Ministries to support individuals struggling with addiction. 

It was great to speak with the Rotary Club of York about my Main Street Tax Certainty Act and the state of our nation’s finances. Thanks for your thoughtful questions and warm welcome! 

Will Kiefer and the team at the Bench Mark Program in Lancaster are making a positive impact on students’ lives. Thanks for the opportunity to visit and learn about how your mentorship programs are making a difference. 

Thanks to Julie from Fawn Grove and other representatives of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau for meeting with me to discuss important priorities for our community in the Farm Bill.

It was great to visit Gen Hydro’s headquarters in Lancaster and learn about their technology and innovation with hydrogen.

It was great to meet with members of the Pork Producers Council, including producers from Lancaster County, to discuss the Farm Bill. Did you know that #PA11 is a leading producer of pork in Pennsylvania? 


Smucker Service Corner 

If you have any questions or issues with a federal agency, please know that my office is here to assist you. You can call my district or Washington, DC offices for assistance or visit my website for any issue with a federal agency or department.

My office was able to assist Jack from York County with an issue he was experiencing with the Social Security Administration. 

My office assisted Gerald from Bird-in-Hand, Ella from Glen Rock, and Molly from Shrewsbury to receive overdue IRS tax refunds.

Here to Help

Veterans receiving care at the Lebanon VA Medical Center may be eligible for a new transportation service called VA Uber Health Connect. Learn more from the Lebanon VA Medical Center here.

Recently the new 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline was launched. Individuals who are struggling or in crisis can simply call or text 988 to reach trained counselors. Individuals can also visit to chat with a counselor. Click here to learn more about the lifeline from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Many individuals have recently contacted my office looking for assistance with their unemployment compensation claims, which are administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, not federal agencies. If you’re seeking assistance with your unemployment claim, you can contact your state legislator for assistance. Click here to find your state legislator’s contact information. 

Looking for information on federal grants? Learn more about the grant awarding process and search the federal database of grant programs at

Stay Connected

To stay up-to-date on my work in the district and Washington, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also check out my YouTube page, where there are 100+ videos, many of which are direct responses to your questions.

Lloyd Smucker

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