
Dear Friend,

According to Houston’s ABC 13, Houston recorded its 540th murder on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, which marks a 21% increase over 2020’s rate. According to the Houston Chronicle, the number of defendants who have committed new crimes while out on bail has tripled since 2015. The newspaper also found 141 cases – 31 of which were violent felonies – where defendants were allowed to pay less than 10 percent of their bond amounts. These soft on crime policies are putting the people of TX-02 at risk. And that is not acceptable.

Recently in Waukesha, Wisconsin, a career criminal with a 22-year-long rap sheet drove his vehicle into a crowd, tragically killing six and injuring dozens more. After attempting to run over the mother of his child, Darrell Brooks, Jr. was released on just a $1,000 bail. Only days later, he committed the Waukesha Christmas parade attack. This tragedy is the direct result of policies across our country that have been putting criminals above the safety of law-abiding Americans.

In a 2007 interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm said, “Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who's going to go out and kill somebody?” He answered his own question, “You bet. Guaranteed. It's guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.” Unfortunately, we saw Mr. Chisholm’s prediction come true on November 21 when six people – including an eight-year-old boy and a 79-year-old grandmother – lost their lives.

We should not have to live in fear just so liberal politicians can pursue policy experiments that free dangerous criminals and imperil our safety. Our leaders work for us. It’s not our responsibility to sacrifice our wellbeing for abstract and foolish political agendas. Every life lost to violent crime because of soft-on-crime policies is a tragedy we should be working to avoid.

That’s why I’m committed to policies that will combat crime, punish violent criminals, and keep the American people safe. For these reasons, I introduced the State Border Security Reimbursement Act (H.R. 1626), which would reimburse Texas for the cost of having to foot the bill for border security. I’m also a cosponsor of the following bills that put forth concrete policies for reducing crime:

Violence Against Women Extension Act (H.R. 1892) – The bill would reauthorize Department of Justice programs that combat violence against women, ensuring these critical programs can continue to fight domestic violence and sexual abuse. The legislation continues important funding for programs to provide legal assistance for victims, provide grants for crisis centers and transition housing assistance, and grant funding to improve law enforcement's efforts to combat domestic violence and sexual assault.

Safer Schools Act (H.R. 2717) – The bill would establish a pilot program requiring the Department of Justice to award grants to public elementary and secondary schools to conduct independent facility security risk assessments and make hard security improvements, like video monitoring and alert notification equipment.

Eric’s Law (H.R. 3151) – The bill would allow the government to impanel a second sentencing jury if the first cannot unanimously agree to impose the death penalty.

Combatting COVID Unemployment Fraud Act (H.R. 3268) – The bill would prevent fraud in COVID unemployment programs, recover fraudulently paid benefits, and provide relief for taxpayers and victims of unemployment fraud.

Protect Communities from a Porous Border Act (H.R. 5831) – The bill would require the mandatory detention of aliens who are security risks or present insufficient or false credentials.

I will continue to support legislation that works to reduce the incidence of crime in our country and to ensure the government lives up to its obligation to keep the American people safe.

As we continue our work in Congress, please do not hesitate to contact my team in Washington, DC at (202) 225-6565 or visit to share your thoughts on legislation or issues of importance to you. In addition, I encourage you to sign up for my weekly e-newsletter to stay up-to-date on what I’m working on each week in Congress.

It is a privilege to serve you in Congress, and I look forward to your continued input throughout my term.





Dan Crenshaw

Member of Congress




Washington Office |413 Cannon HOB | Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-6565

Kingwood Office |1849 Kingwood Dr, Suite 100 | Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 860-1330

Spring Office |9720 Cypresswood Dr., # 206 | Houston, TX 77070
(281) 640-7720

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