News from Congressman Arrington

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Friend,

The other night my family and I prayed for folks we knew were going through a particularly difficult time in their lives. One of our kids mentioned parents who lost a child from their school who would most certainly be grieving their first Thanksgiving without her. Another remembered a colleague of mine who recently lost his wife and is now a single parent of two young girls. My wife recalled a very sick, homeless man in DC who she befriended. I thought of my parents best friends who recently discovered they contracted Covid, both of whom have serious underlying health problems.
We don’t pray enough as a family.

I don’t pray for others like I should. But that evening when we went around the dinner table each lifting up those God put in our path who need divine comfort, healing, and peace, something in my heart changed. I was reminded that God made us for community and that we all need each other. I was also made acutely aware of how fragile our lives are and how abruptly they can change. The Holy Spirit seemed to be reinforcing how dependent I am on God and those He has put around me.

I am thankful for that perspective, and I’m thankful for the many blessings in my life that flow from my Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally, is sovereign in the affairs of man, and has a great purpose for each of his children.

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!

Go West Texas!

Your friend and fellow West Texan,

Jodey C. Arrington
Member of Congress


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