April 15, 2021

ICYMI: Arrington Joins First Hearing as New Member of Joint Economic Committee

For Immediate Release: April 15th, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) spoke at the Joint Economic Committee hearing on vaccinations and economic recovery, his first hearing since being newly appointed by Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23).

Click here to watch full remarks


Excerpt of remarks delivered:

“Good to be with you and great to join the Joint Economic Committee. This is a great group of thinkers and patriots as we formulate together economic policies to get our country back to the pre-COVID prosperity. I'm looking forward to working with you, Sir, and my other colleagues in both chambers – also recognizing Ranking Member Lee for his leadership. I represent a big swath of rural America in West Texas. We have our unique challenges, and we have some unique benefits to being rural. I'm very proud of what Texas has done to balance the various factors that are important, like the spread of COVID obviously, but also the long-term effects of being isolated, and kids being not in school in that very important support system. Whether it's substance abuse or deferred screenings and treatments, there are some major consequences to not getting back and reopening our country, going to work, and getting our children back in school. No doubt having vaccines widely distributed and the effectiveness and development of new therapeutics are absolutely key to that.” 


Congressman Jodey Arrington is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives serving the Nineteenth Congressional District of Texas. He serves as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee.  

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