Dear Friend,

While I was in Washington, D.C. fighting on behalf of the good folks of West Texas, I voted against two partisan bills that would weaken our immigration system, spend taxpayer dollars on lawyers for illegal immigrants, and make it more difficult to secure our southern border. I spoke out against AOC and the Democrats' reintroducing the Green New Deal. With a price tag of $90 trillion – more than all tax revenue collected in history – the Green New Deal is a Trojan Horse for Democrats’ socialist “infrastructure” proposal, a government take-over of our Ag and Energy industries, and a vehicle for radical policies that will decimate good-paying American jobs.

To ensure you’re receiving the latest updates from Washington and across West Texas, I encourage you to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Last week, President Joe Biden gave a joint address to Congress full of radical rhetoric. In Biden’s first 100 days, he’s ballooned our debt by trillions of dollars, destroyed millions of jobs with unilateral executive orders, proposed tax hikes on working families, and sent gas prices skyrocketing. Joe Biden’s vision for a government that takes care of people from cradle to grave will cost Americans their freedoms.


I held a press conference with my Texas colleagues to follow up on the disaster we witnessed at the southern border, all thanks to Biden's devastating open border policies. Instead of visiting the border, implementing, or reinstating common-sense policies, or asking for bipartisan input, Biden and Border Czar Harris continue to do nothing. Watch my remarks here or click the image below. Image

I had great counsel for the day when Elizabeth Perrin—7 years old, future Congresswoman from Lubbock—joined me for a series of votes. She was so poised and mature beyond her years. Made me proud!


Democrats' tone-deaf efforts to push open border policies during this unmitigated crisis is an insult to the American people. Watch my remarks on the house floor here or click the image below.


Make no mistake → Economic recovery should be Congress' TOP priority. I introduced the ALIGN Act to make permanent the most powerful & pro-growth provision in the tax code. That means more jobs, higher wages, more productivity, and new investment.


With a stroke of a pen—Biden destroyed THOUSANDS of pipeline jobs.
Why would he do that in the middle of an economic recovery?
The same reason he imposed his irresponsible open border policies—He’s given the keys to the radical Left. Click here, or the image below, for my remarks on the floor.


It is an honor to represent you in Congress. Feel free to forward this newsletter to our fellow West Texans and encourage them to sign up here for this weekly update.

Your friend and fellow West Texan,
Jodey Arrington
Member of Congress
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Abilene, TX 79602
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