June 9, 2021

Dear Friend,

Nothing gives me a greater sense of purpose than to be a champion for the unborn. The vast majority of West Texans, as I do, believe that God is the giver of all life, and all life must be protected and defended at every stage.

I am immensely proud that the citizens of Lubbock, TX stood up to fight for innocent lives and voted unanimously to make Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. This is a big step in working together to remove the stain of abortion on the fabric of America, and to show the nation that West Texans stand for life. 

Click here to watch my remarks, or the image below.


Full remarks:

"Mr. Speaker I believe life is a gift from God begins at conception and that unborn children have the same right to life liberty and the pursuit to happiness as you and I do. Nothing gives me more joy and purpose then being a champion for the unborn. I know the vast majority of West Texans that all life is sacred and should be protected at all stages."

"The Lubbock community recently stood together against the stain of abortion. The fabric of our country by voting to become a sanctuary city for the unborn. Now whether or not this ordnance is upheld in the court I am immensely proud that my home town made a statement not only to Texas but to the whole country for as for us the people of West Texas we stand for life."

"Mr. Speaker West Texas firmly believe as I do we ought promote a culture of life and that life at every stage is equally valuable, equally precious, not only in light of the constitution but in the eyes of God like the citizens of Lubbock I will continue to fight for the voiceless variable unborn Americans and their constitutional protective right to life. God bless America, God bless the Unborn and go West Texas."   

It is an honor to represent you in Congress. Feel free to forward this newsletter to our fellow West Texans and encourage them to sign up here for this weekly update.

Your friend and fellow West Texan,

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