June 22, 2021

Dear Friend, 

Agriculture is the lifeblood of West Texas and rural communities are the backbone of our traditional American values. It was an honor to receive the Farm Bureau’s Golden Plow Award for the top agriculture advocate in Congress.

I love being a voice for my farmers and ranchers who provide our country with a safe and affordable food supply and who have helped grow our agriculture independence. I am grateful for their confidence and support. We have a lot more ground to plow, but I look forward to continuing to serve farmers in West Texas and beyond.


“Since taking office to serve Texas’ 19th Congressional District in 2017, Congressman Arrington has been a steadfast advocate for farm and ranch families across the state and nation,” TFB President Russell Boening said. “He has led efforts to strengthen the farm safety net, promote international trade, improve tax policy, reduce government regulations and expand rural infrastructure, among others. Congressman Jodey Arrington fights hard for farmers and ranchers in Texas and across the country. He is extremely deserving of the prestigious Golden Plow Award,” Boening continued. “He is a leader who truly understands the determination of those involved in agriculture and works each day to provide more opportunity for rural America. Texas Farm Bureau thanks him for his service and congratulates him on this honorable achievement, which is awarded to only one member of the entire U.S. House of Representatives annually.”

“Thanks to Congressman Arrington’s efforts, the estate tax exemption was doubled,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said. “He continues to work toward the goal of full repeal of the estate tax, which threatens the economic sustainability of our farm and ranch businesses.”


Since being elected to Congress, Rep. Arrington has been leading the fight for Texas’s agriculture industry. He currently serves as co-chair of the Texas Agriculture Task Force. In Congress, Rep. Arrington has championed pro-growth trade agreements like the U.S.– Mexico – Canada Agreement(USMCA) and the U.S. – China Phase One Agreement that have helped Ag producers export their products globally. 

Rep. Arrington was also a key figure in expanding eligibility for disaster relief assistance to include cotton farmers as part of the 2018 Farm Bill, after cotton had been cut out of the 2014 Farm Bill. 

As co-chair of the House Ways and Means Committee Rural and Underserved Communities Health Task Force, Rep. Arrington has strived to provide better access to healthcare in rural communities and has advocated for increased investment in critical rural infrastructure. 

About the Golden Plow Award:

AFBF’s Golden Plow Award recognizes members of Congress who exemplify agricultural leadership and support of Farm Bureau policies. Recipients are chosen for having a philosophy or record that demonstrates a commitment to sound agricultural policies supported by Farm Bureau, the private enterprise system, fiscal conservatism and reduced federal regulation of businesses and individuals. 

It is an honor to represent you in Congress. Feel free to forward this newsletter to our fellow West Texans and encourage them to sign up here for this weekly update. 


Jodey C. Arrington
Member of Congress

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