

July 20, 2021

Dear Friend,

Today, I was glad to be traveling through beautiful West Texas in Parmer, Bailey, and Castro counties. I visited my friends in the great towns of Friona, Farwell, Bovina, Muleshoe, and Dimmitt. We had great discussions about agriculture, energy, healthcare, and how to keep our communities safe. Continue reading below to learn more. ↓

After driving from Lubbock to Friona, we began the day at Parmer Medical Center where I met with my friends Gayla Quillin, CEO of Parmer Medical, Josh Tucker, CEO of Hospital Operations, and hospital board members to discuss the challenges of rural healthcare. 


We discussed the importance of providing access to healthcare for those in rural communities by ensuring hospitals, like Parmer Medical, have the resources available to deliver the best possible care for patients.


I also had the great opportunity to meet with my friend, Friona Mayor Ricky White, and city council members to discuss the litany of concerns facing our country and policy issues of special interest that matter to our rural communities. Without access to quality, affordable healthcare, West Texans wouldn't be able to feed, fuel, and clothe our nation.


Next stop, Bovina, TX! I had the opportunity to visit the folks at Created With Purpose (Pregnancy) Resource Center—a nonprofit ministry for pregnant and at-risk women. The Executive Director Joy Heerding and board members inspired me with their passion for the lives of the unborn.


Every American—born and unborn—has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I am proud to have co-sponsored many pro-life bills, including the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.


Later on in Farwell, I joined my friends at the Farwell Rotary Club to to provide a legislative update and listen to the concerns of folks back home in West Texas.


Next in Muleshoe, I was proud to be a part of the law enforcement roundtable discussion, hosted by my friends, Bailey County Sheriff Richard Wills and Muleshoe Police Chief Gary McHone.


Police chiefs, sheriffs, and deputies from across the district gathered to discuss how Biden’s open border policies and local Democrat leaders’ decision to defund the police have created a crime crisis that has threatened the safety of our communities and America’s police officers.

In the wake of last summer's riots, I introduced legislation to increase penalties for rioting or assaulting a federal law enforcement officer. I also recently introduced a resolution affirming states’ constitutional right to defend its border and citizens when the federal government fails to do so.


My final stop was the great town of Dimmitt, where I led an agriculture roundtable to discuss how I am working to defend family-owned farms, ranches, and other businesses from Biden’s extreme environmental regulations and crushing taxes. 



I am thankful to my friends in Friona, Farwell, Bovina, Muleshoe, and Dimmitt for making West Texas the indescribable place we are proud to call home. It is the greatest honor of my life to represent you and fight for you in our nation's capital.

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Your friend and fellow West Texan,

Jodey C. Arrington
Member of Congress

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