News from Congressman Arrington


Dear Friends,

This week, I led the Texas Republican delegation in unveiling its border security plan – a Commitment to Secure the Border – for the 118th Congress.

No one understands or appreciates the widespread social and economic costs of Biden’s unprecedented open border crisis like the people of Texas. It only makes sense for the Texas delegation to lead the way in using every tool and authority to secure the border, defend our sovereignty, and protect our citizens — and all Americans — from this epic disaster. 


House Republicans have made a Commitment to America to secure the southern border as part of the new majority’s priority to create “A Nation That’s Safe.” Our border plan is a framework by Texans for Texas, which includes four priority areas:

  • Complete physical border infrastructure
  • Fix border enforcement policies
  • Enforce our laws in the interior
  • Target cartels & criminal organizations

A Commitment to Secure the Border can be accessed here, along with legislation included in the plan.


Rep. Arrington’s Remarks as Prepared

On behalf of the Texas delegation, let me say what a profound honor and privilege it is to represent the great State of Texas and be the voice for the God-fearing, freedom-loving people of the Lone Star State.

We have a responsibility as the Texas delegation to represent the Spirit of Texas, which is one that runs to the fight, always fights for what is right, and never gives up.

That is the sacred duty and the spirit with which we stand here today, and with which we developed this framework, by Texans for Texas, to secure the border. 

And, as important as the policies and the strategies in this Texas plan, is our pledge to do everything in our power to make them a reality.

It’s important to note that this framework is consistent with and in support of the House Republican’s Commitment to America to create “A Nation that’s Safe.”

What is happening at our southern border, and as a result to our fellow citizens, is a disgrace and totally unacceptable. 

With this new Republican majority in the House, the Texas delegation is committed to using every tool and authority at our disposal to hold President Biden and this Administration accountable for their dereliction of duty; to support our state leaders in their efforts to defend Texas in the face of this clear and imminent danger; And to put the policies in place that will protect our citizens and secure our sovereign border.

This is our Commitment to America; 

This is our plan for Texas;

And this is our solemn pledge to our fellow Texans.  


Your friend and fellow West Texan,

Jodey C. Arrington
Member of Congress


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