
Knowing of your interest in the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), I wanted to be sure you saw my remarks from a press conference this morning on bipartisan solutions to address the WEP. 

As you may know, I am a cosponsor of H.R. 5834, the Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act. This bipartisan legislation permanently replaces the unfair Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) Social Security formula with a new, fair formula that treats our teachers, firefighters, and police officers just like the rest of America’s workers. 

I was proud to stand with my colleagues today to highlight the need to fix the WEP and will continue to fight for the millions of retirees who have been impacted by this unfortunate provision.

To watch my full remarks, click the video below or click here.


Click here to watch Rep. Arrington's full remarks. 

“I’m honored to stand with my colleagues to address this inequity, which is a sad situation that is more than unfortunate. For nearly 40 years, we have failed to live up to our social contract with American senior citizens and allow them to benefit from what they have invested and earned from this important safety net,” said Rep. Arrington. “Because of the leadership of my colleagues – especially that of Ranking Member Brady and Chairman Neal – I am encouraged about the prospects of targeted, bipartisan solutions to address this problem and make good on what we’ve done to shortchange our public servants like teachers, firefighters, and police officers.”

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Your friend and fellow West Texan,
Jodey C. Arrington
Member of Congress
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