Dear Brett,

Welcome back to my West Texas Wrap-Up. Please remember to follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube for regular updates on how I am serving the people of West Texas!

Senate's Border Bill: All Show and No Go

After three years of ignoring the southern border and fueling this unprecedented humanitarian and national security crisis, Democrats are trying to cover their tracks and convince the American people they support a "border security" bill.

Let me share with you a few reasons for why this disastrous Democrat bill is a complete non-starter for me:

1) The “trigger” mechanism that would require President Biden to use emergency authority to shut down the border and force Border Patrol to repel new crossings does not activate until the number of illegal migrants encountered exceeds 5,000 on average per day across a week, or 8,500 on any given day.

  • Jeh Johnson, President Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security, said that 1,000 crossings a day “overwhelms the system.” Accepting five times the amount of what Obama’s own DHS Secretary admitted is "overwhelming" would not be a negotiated compromise for Republicans, it would be a total surrender to the invasion of drugs, crime, and criminals that has ravaged our communities under President Biden.
  • The President may refuse to use the emergency authority to shut down the border whenever he deems fit. There’s also limits on how many days the emergency authority may be used per year, with the total allowable days decreasing every year until the authority expires completely after three years.
  • Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act already provides the President with the power to secure the border and repel illegal immigration. For over three years now, President Biden has willfully ignored this pre-existing authority and created the open border crisis we see today. Do you honestly trust that he will suddenly decide to be aggressive in preventing illegal immigration if this new smoke and mirrors bill is passed?

2) “Catch-and-Release” is still mandatory for family units caught illegally crossing the border.

  • While this may feel sympathetic and morally righteous for my democratic friends, we must also remember that President Biden ended familial DNA testing at the border. Without being able to verify that family units are actually families, this will be like throwing kerosene on the already burning fire of human/sex trafficking.
  • Doctors Without Borders has estimated that 1 in 3 women are sexually abused on their journey illegally immigrating into the U.S. If traffickers know that adding women (or even children) to their group will assure their release into America as a “family,” then that number is all but certain to increase.

3) The bill fails to address the more than 8 million illegal migrants that have crossed our border since President Biden took office. 

  • In addition to the “special interest aliens,” individuals on the terrorist watchlist, and the roughly 2 million known “gotaways” that have infiltrated our country on President Biden’s watch, this is a tremendous national security threat that cannot be ignored.
  • Just two weeks ago, the House passed the “Equal Representation Act” to prohibit non-citizens from counting toward reapportionment of Congressional representation. Every single Democrat in the House voted no. Ask yourself, what is the true motivation for that?


The House already passed the “toughest border security measures” ever. We passed H.R. 2 a year ago, and it still sits untouched on Chuck Schumer’s desk today. 

If Democrats are serious about Border Security, pass H.R. 2. Or, at the very least, the Biden Administration should immediately drop all of their aggressive lawfare against border states like Texas that are trying to secure the border and protect their citizens.

Providing Tax Transparency

Last week, I introduced H.R. 8372, the Debt Per Taxpayer Information Act, legislation to inform and educate the American people on the nation's fiscal trajectory and what it means for them and their families.

This legislation would provide each American filing a tax return with information on their W-2 about federal revenues, outlays, and deficits in the latest available tax year, the total gross debt, and the estimated debt per taxpayer.

You have a right to know how the federal government spends your hard-earned money and the fiscal condition of our country. The Debt Per Taxpayer Information Act will shine a light on our government’s out-of-control spending habits and turn up the heat of accountability on the profligate spending of Washington politicians.


Read a fact sheet about the Debt Per Taxpayer Information Act HERE.

National Police Week

Last week, we celebrated National Police Week.

Unfortunately, the radical Left’s soft-on-crime policies, dangerous rhetoric, and complete disregard for the rule of law has encouraged crime, created a culture of lawlessness in our country, and endangered law enforcement.

Last year, 378 law enforcement officers were shot in the line of duty - a new record and grim reminder of the tremendous risk our men and women in blue take on each day. 

That’s why, during Police Week and every week, I’m proud to stand with these brave American heroes.


During National Police Week, I voted in favor of the:

  • Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act (H.R. 7343)
  • Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (H.R. 354)
  • Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act (H.R. 7581)
  • Condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result. (H.Res. 1210)
  • A resolution regarding violence against law enforcement officers. (H.Res. 1213)


I also want to take a moment to ask you to keep Cpl. Robert King of the Big Spring Police Department in your prayers.

Last Tuesday, Cpl. King was airlifted to a Lubbock hospital with serious injuries after being shot while in pursuit of a suspect.

While I am happy to hear that Cpl. King's health is improving, I know that he, his family, and Big Spring PD need the full support of our WTX community.

Breaking Up Health Care Monopolies

This week, as Chairman of the House Budget Committee, I held a hearing focused on the budgetary effects of increased health care consolidation and explored policy solutions to enhance competition, reduce health care costs, and expand patient choices.


You can watch my opening remarks HERE.

Armed Forces Day

Last Sunday, we celebrated Armed Forces Day.

I am so proud to represent West Texas, where the airmen at Dyess AFB defend our nation at home and around the world.

To all those who serve - thank you for your sacrifice.

We owe you and your families a debt of gratitude.


Standing With Israel

On Monday, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's arrest. Earlier this month, I led several of my colleagues in a letter urging President Biden to issue sanctions on the ICC should they decide to issue the warrants and my commitment remains firm.

The ICC has no legitimate authority to infringe on the sovereign right of a democratic country to defend itself against terrorist attacks.

The United States must stand up for Israel’s inherent right of self-defense and immediately sanction ICC officials.

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It is an honor and privilege to represent you in Congress. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to our fellow West Texans and encourage them to sign up here for this update.

Your friend and fellow West Texan,






Jodey C. Arrington
Member of Congress

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