Sixth District Perspectives
with Congressman Ben Cline
It was a short, but busy week in Washington as House Republicans were working to get Big Government out of the way. We passed parent-friendly legislation to ensure they are in charge and have a voice in their children’s education, and we voted to overturn President Biden's veto of a bipartisan resolution that would protect Americans’ retirement savings. Further, officials from the Biden Administration came before several subcommittees on which I serve, where I demanded answers and accountability on behalf of the American people. As always, it was a pleasure to meet with constituents and see friendly faces around the Capitol. House Republicans’ hard work in the new majority to deliver on our Commitment to America is only just beginning, and I look forward to continuing our efforts to ensure a brighter future for Virginia’s Sixth District.
Reclaiming the Role of Parents in Their Children’s Education
Under the Biden Administration, the Department of Justice and the FBI have been investigating parents who voice their concerns about what is happening in their children’s schools. Parents are furious that the government and school boards are working together to silence them.
Parents know what’s best for their children’s education, not the government. That's why I was proud to vote for, and the U.S. House of Representatives passed, the Parents' Bill of Rights Act (H.R. 5), which puts parents back in control of their child’s education and ensures parents have the tools needed to hold schools accountable. For more information, click here or below.

Bill summary here
Fighting the President's Counterattack on Seniors' Savings
This week, House Republicans voted to overturn President Biden’s veto of our efforts to nullify the Administration’s attempt to greenlight environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing in retirement plans. Financial managers should prioritize maximum returns and retirement security for the American worker, not be forced to fund Biden’s woke ESG agenda with their money. While I'm disappointed that Democrats overwhelmingly refused to join us, I won’t stop fighting to protect Americans’ retirement savings.

Biden's Budget: Deficits, Inflation, and... National Gun Registries??
President Biden’s $6.9 trillion tax-and-spend budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2024 won’t just fuel inflation and skyrocket our national debt -- it will also give agencies more funding to enforce unconstitutional gun regulations. Biden’s budget proposes $2 billion for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) -- a $200 million increase from last year -- which has been working to ban pistol braces and inch closer to a national gun registry.
During a Budget Committee hearing, I asked the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Shalanda Young point blank whether this funding would be used for a national gun registry, and wasn’t pleased that she could not give me a straight answer. Rest assured I'll continue fighting for fiscal responsibility and to ensure our Second Amendment rights are protected from gross government overreach. See the full questioning here or below.
See OMB Director Young and I's exchange here
Bringing Transparency: Department of Justice Inspector General
The Justice Department subjected moms and dads to the opening of an FBI investigation about them, the establishment of an FBI case file that includes their political views, and the application of a “threat tag” to their names as a direct result of voicing their concerns about their children’s education. As my Subcommittee on Responsiveness to Oversight has been demanding documents from DOJ, we found that there was no legitimate basis for AG Garland's directive to target parents. In fact, the FBI misused federal law enforcement and counterterrorism resources to do so.
During a hearing in the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science, I asked the DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz whether he would conduct an internal investigation of the DOJ and FBI’s abuse of power. It is a shame that he would not commit to an investigation, but my Republicans colleagues and I on the House Judiciary Committee will. See the full questioning here or below.
See my questioning of the DOJ IG here
Department of Commerce Inspector General
The Constitution, which I always carry a copy of, lays out the role of Congress to promote "the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." I spoke with the Department of Commerce's Inspector General Peggy Gustafson about the department's role in fulfilling this mission in a fiscally responsible manner, while shielding fraudulent applications from America's patents, trademarks, and copyrights. In addition, I asked her about troubles with the 2020 Census and room for improvement. See the full questioning here or below.
Watch Department of Commerce IG Gustafson and I's discussion here
Top Issues of the Week
I joined "Mornings with Maria" on Fox Business to discuss House Republicans' efforts to stand up for parents and pass our Parents’ Bill of Rights. Watch a clip from the interview here or below.

See the clip here
Constituent Meetings

I was pleased to meet with a constituent and members of the Federal Bar Association, who discussed the top issues in the federal judiciary.

It was great speaking with members of the Paper Recycling Coalition, who discussed pending legislation relevant to the recycled paperboard and containerboard industries.

Meeting with a representative of the American Advertising Federation to hear about concerns facing the industry and consumers.

The Virginia Association of Loggers is dedicated to educational training and promoting a better understanding of the Forest Products Industry in the Commonwealth, and it was great to listen to their advocacy.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Congressman. If my office can ever be of assistance, please contact my Washington office at (202) 225-5431.
For the latest updates from Washington and across the Sixth District, please follow my Facebook and Twitter pages.
