Sixth District Perspectives
with Congressman Ben Cline
It was a productive week traveling up and down the Valley, and hearing from constituents, businesses, and organizations about the issues most important to them and their families. Unfortunately, last week we saw another example of Big Government overreach getting in the way of traditions in our area, such as school hunter safety and archery programs. On the bright side, we honored our service members who have been awarded a Purple Heart Medal, and hosted “Coffee With Your Congressman” town hall events in Roanoke County, Lexington, and Harrisonburg. We also spoke with leadership from Feeding Southwest Virginia in Salem about how the upcoming FY24 Farm Bill can best meet the needs and priorities of food banks, like theirs. As Congress continues its District Work period, I look forward to hearing more about how to make Washington work better for residents of Virginia's Sixth District.
Honoring Our Purple Heart Recipients
In commemoration of National Purple Heart Day, we honor and recognize the brave service members who were either wounded on the battlefield or died in defense of our great Nation. We owe endless gratitude to these heroes and their families, for it is because of their sacrifice that we are able to enjoy the freedoms of our great country. May God continue to bless our Nation and those willing to give their lives in defense of freedom.

Fighting to Protect School Hunter Safety and Archery Programs
Virginia’s Sixth District has long-standing school hunter safety and archery programs, which teach students the proper handling of firearms and other devices paramount to safety and use, and reduce the risk of injuries. However, the Department of Education is threatening our area’s tradition by trying to ban federal education funding for these important programs.
Children in Virginia schools should not be prevented from receiving safety and skills training in archery, hunting, and other shooting sports by the Biden Administration’s Big Government overreach. That is why I cosponsored the Protecting Hunter Heritage and Education Act to stop this effort and protect critical funds for schools in VA-06 and across the Nation with hunting or archery programs in their curriculum.
Watch my interview with WFXR discussing the Biden Administration's overreach on these safety programs here or above
A 1,000% Tax On Firearms?
In yet another step to try and target the Second Amendment, House Democrats recently introduced legislation that would impose a new 1000% tax on firearms, a change that would raise the price of a $500 weapon to $5,000. This is an attempt to keep law-abiding Americans from exercising their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Rest assured, while the Far Left continues to attack the Second Amendment, I will keep fighting to defend it. Read more on Fox News here.

Feeding Southwest Virginia
As the FY24 Farm Bill approaches, I visited the Feeding Southwest Virginia organization in Salem and heard firsthand from folks about how Congress can address the needs and priorities of food banks, like theirs, in the upcoming Bill.

“Coffee With Your Congressman” Town Hall Events
I enjoyed catching up with folks at my “Coffee With Your Congressman” town hall events last week in Roanoke County, Lexington, and Harrisonburg. Thank you to all who came out and joined a wide-ranging discussion on the top issues facing Congress and the Sixth District, and for all the insightful questions asked. Stay tuned for the next event coming to an area near you.

Roanoke County “Coffee With Your Congressman” town hall event at New York Pizza

Harrisonburg “Coffee With Your Congressman” town hall event last week at O’Neill’s Grill

Lexington “Coffee With Your Congressman” town hall event at Salerno’s
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Congressman. If my office can ever be of assistance, please contact my Washington office at (202) 225-5431.
For the latest updates from Washington and across the Sixth District, please follow my Facebook and Twitter pages.
