
Second Term Update

Dear Friend,

As I hit the six month mark in my second term in Congress, here is a quick recap of how I have been serving you in Washington, D.C. and at home in the district.

Since January, my office has helped over 740 constituents navigate federal agencies and brought over $1.1 million back to the residents of the 8th district. I’ve also held 11 town halls, with a return to in-person town halls starting this week! My office is devoted to helping constituents, and I am blessed with phenomenal staff who will answer questions, connect you with the right people in federal agencies, and advocate for you. If you need help with Social Security, Medicare, the VA, immigration, the IRS or other federal programs, please call our Issaquah office at: (425) 657-1001.

In the two and a half years I have served in Congress, 15 of my bills have passed the House and 10 have been signed into law! Two of those bills were included in the American Rescue Plan (ARP) we passed in February. While the ARP focused on rolling out vaccines, providing significant economic relief, and helping small businesses, my two bills provided additional funding for the Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program (WIC), and for child abuse prevention. Additionally, my VACCINES Act passed in an earlier rescue package, and provides the resources for COVID vaccine education and outreach to boost immunization rates.

Last month, I introduced two new bills. The National Prescribed Fire Act of 2021 will provide funding for the controlled burning of underbrush to make our forests more resilient and less vulnerable to out-of-control wildfires. The bill also provides for firefighter training and streamlines smoke regulations to allow for controlled burning in the winter months to cut down on catastrophic smoke in the summer months. The Medicare Vision Act will bring vision care, including routine eye exams as well as glasses and contact lenses to Medicare recipients. I am proud that this bill will join other bills by my colleagues in the House to expand Medicare coverage for dental and hearing care.

Starting July 15th, if you have children you will likely start receiving up to $300 per month per child to help you afford the high cost of raising children. Almost eighty percent of 8th district families qualify. This expansion of the Child Tax Credit will come as a monthly benefit and provide much needed relief to working families. 

Just last week, I voted for the INVEST in America Act, a sweeping infrastructure bill that, among many other investments, includes $19 million for transportation projects in Washington’s 8th Congressional District. These projects include:

  • $8.6 million for the Columbia River Pedestrian Bridge Extension & Apple Capital Loop Trail in Wenatchee 
  • $4.5 million for the Lea Hill Corridor 112th Ave SE & 105th Pl SE Intersection Improvements in Auburn 
  • $6 million for the HWY 162 Pedestrian Bridge in Orting 

We have tremendous transportation infrastructure needs in the 8th district. That is why the INVEST in America Act and funding for these three local projects is so important.

And I have very exciting news about the Wenatchee Valley. I received a call in late June from the Department of Transportation letting me know that the Apple Capital Loop Project had been awarded a $92.4 million Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant. It was one of only 23 in the nation, and it was the largest grant this year in the whole country! This is a tremendous win for North Central Washington. I was thrilled to help local leaders get it over the finish line. The project will benefit the region in myriad ways: reducing traffic, improving emergency response times, allowing for safer evacuations during fire season, boosting commerce, shoring up alternative transportation by electric bus and bike, and connecting communities in the region.

Lastly, as mentioned, now that it is safer to gather, I welcome you to join me for in-person town halls. My first one is in Issaquah on July 8th and I will be announcing more throughout the district soon. I look forward to seeing you all again in person after such a difficult 16 months. If you haven’t done so already, getting vaccinated is the best way to ensure that we have a lasting return to normal life.

It’s a pleasure to represent you in Congress and a true honor to advocate for our shared values in Washington, D.C. 

As always, you are welcome to reach out to my office with questions or concerns.


Kim Schrier, M.D.
Member of Congress

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