Congresswoman Lesko Weekly Update

It was a busy week in the U.S. House of Representatives this week. I would like to encourage you to share this newsletter with others. Please direct them using this link and encourage them to subscribe.

Lesko Legislation

I’m proud to say my Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act has officially passed the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support! See my full press release here.

No government bureaucrat should EVER scheme to take away Americans’ appliances in the name of a radical environmental agenda.

Lesko Meetings

It was great meeting with the Arizona Association of Realtors to discuss housing concerns and the real estate market in Arizona’s 8th District and beyond!
I met with the Family Focused Treatment Association who do great work in pairing mentally-at-risk youth with foster families. Every child, no matter the circumstance, deserves a loving home.

I had a great roundtable meeting with other members of Congress, LUCID, and more EV manufacturers discussing the future of EVs and the challenges they face in the car market.

I met with Odette Baker from ASM to discuss semiconductor manufacturing and the emerging technology industry in Arizona.

Water conservation is an ongoing battle, especially in Arizona. This week, I met with the Central Arizona Water Conservation District to discuss their efforts and ways Congress can help.
I met with Phoenix Children’s Hospital to talk about ways Congress can continue to help them provide the best possible care for even the littlest of patients. Ensuring the best possible healthcare outcomes for the next generation must remain a top priority in Congress!
American infrastructure is in dire need of repair. This week, I met with the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association to discuss the state of our railroads and how we can improve them moving forward.

I met with the American Land Title Association where we talked about ways the Biden Administrations’ green agenda has harmed the real-estate development industry and ways Congress can help.

It’s always exciting to see the technological innovation taking place in Arizona! I had the chance to meet with former Congressman Allen Boyd and Green Technology Investments to discuss their work in Arizona.

I met with the American College of Rheumatology to talk about ways Congress can continue to help them create better outcomes for their patients.


I had an amazing tour of the Kinder - Morgan facility in West Phoenix. Their pipelines, storage and filling terminal provide the gasoline we need for our cars and trucks. Very interesting and essential to everyday life! 


Lesko in the News

Enough fentanyl is being smuggled across our southern border at the Tucson Sector to kill every Arizonan multiple times over. This is a crisis! Biden and the Democrats are more concerned with WINNING ELECTIONS than they are with your SAFETY.

Hear my thoughts on the border on Evening Edit on Fox Business below: 

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Lesko on the Floor

My Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act made it to the Floor! Listen to my opening debate remarks below:

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Lesko in Committee

I, like many Americans, just want the news – NOT another leftist opinion. So why is the government funding NPR’s left-wing propaganda?

Hear my thoughts on this and more at the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee hearing below:

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Get the Facts: Cartel Hiring American Teens

Social media and the crisis at our Southern Border have collided in the latest scheme by the cartels to smuggle migrants across the border. The Texas Department of Public Safety reportedly arrested two 19-year olds for smuggling three migrants across the border, among other charges. Cartels in Mexico are attracting teens to the life of crime through apps like Tik Tok and Instagram where they post flashy items such as jewelry, piles of money, and various luxury items along with captions informing the teens how they too may be able to attain similar wealth. Unbeknownst to the teens, they are falling directly into the trap of the cartel where they are then instructed to use encrypted messaging apps like WhatsApp to learn where to pick up their load of migrants. Social media recruiting has led to both American and Mexican teens becoming involved in the business, with some being as young as 12 or 13 years old. Although many kids have been arrested for partaking in the operations, the cartels are still recruiting every day and there are many who have not yet been arrested. For these kids, prison may not be the worst thing to happen to them. Texas DPS warned, “Some will be recovered dead…Some will never be seen or heard from again. I don’t want to sound crude; I’m just telling it the way it is. This is what our government can expect if it doesn’t take its head out of the sand when it comes to border security.” With each day that passes, it becomes more and more clear, the U.S. Senate must pass H.R. 2 and Biden must do something about the border crisis. We cannot continue to allow organized, violent crime to take place in this country.

Around the District

Team Lesko recently attended the Peoria Chamber of Commerce Monthly Networking Breakfast at the Antigua Apparel facility in Peoria.


Casework Highlight

A constituent contacted our office after having no success obtaining their W-2 needed to file a tax return as their employer had gone out of business and never sent it. We contacted the IRS and were able to obtain a copy of the W-2 in time for them to file their taxes without delay.

Global Entry Process Renewal

If you already have Global Entry for traveling and have not yet renewed your membership, now may be the time. Eligibility to renew your membership begins one year prior to program expiration, but you will still be eligible to use benefits up to 24 months following your membership expiration date. In order to renew your membership visit the link here

Military Academy Nominations

As a member of Congress, I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of people to four of the five service academies. This would include nominating candidates for appointment to the U.S. Military Academy (West Point), the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. The fifth service academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy does not require a congressional nomination for appointment. For more information click here.

Tell Congresswoman Lesko

Do you know of a business or location I should visit? Click the link here and let me know!

We are Here to Help

As always, my office is here to help. My Surprise district office is open and serving constituents. To make an appointment with the office, please call 623-776-7911.

My Washington, D.C. office is open and answering your calls. Please feel free to contact us via phone at 202-225-4576 or via email by going to my website at

I encourage you to visit the website and to also follow me on Twitter, Instagram and my Facebook page for up to date information on what I'm doing and how my office can help you.

May God continue to bless you and our great Nation.


Congresswoman Debbie Lesko

