News from Congressman Tom Kean



Dear Friend,

Last weekend, I traveled to Israel with Speaker Kevin McCarthy and a bipartisan group of colleagues to celebrate Israel’s 75th Anniversary.  It was a privilege to meet with, and to learn from, the leaders of our nation's greatest ally in the Middle East.

America cherishes our unbreakable bond with Israel - a relationship that has made both of our countries safer and stronger. Our dialogue was productive and will allow us to continue building bridges between our nations, an alliance that is critical to advance our shared values of freedom, security, and prosperity.

As we departed, our unified message was simple: the United States will always be a friend and ally to Israel.

In addition to our newsletter, you can also connect with my official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, where you'll find the latest news and updates. I always look forward to talking and meeting with my constituents about issues of their concern - contact me directly any time at 908-547-3307. Please never hesitate to reach out.

Thank you, and be safe,


Tom Kean, Jr.
Member of Congress

Photos from Israel
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
At the Western Wall in Jerusalem
Israel President Isaac Herzog
Bipartisan Congressional Delegation with Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana



NJ-7 Constituent Spotlight



NJ-7 Question of the Week

A historic theft of taxpayer dollars from COVID-era unemployment programs is facing increased scrutiny. Some estimates by outside experts say as much as $400 billion, or nearly half, of unemployment benefits paid during the pandemic may have been stolen. This week, the House will consider legislation that would provide incentives for States to recover fraudulently paid Federal and State unemployment compensation. You can read about it HERE. Do you support this measure as a method to combat fraud?
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We have an incredible staff that is dedicated to helping constituents when they need it! These are just a few of the services we can assist with in NJ-7. Please do not hesitate to contact us!


Follow me on Social Media, I look forward to connecting again soon!

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