News from Representative Waltz


Dear Friend,


This week, the House Science, Space and Technology Committee heard from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) about the 2020 hurricane season, which began June 1. I wanted to provide you with some highlights of their report so you can be prepared.


NOAA is forecasting a much more active hurricane season this year, with 13 to 18 named storms. Six to 10 of these storms could become hurricanes, including three to six major hurricanes.


With all of this in mind, it’s incredibly important to be ready for when a storm hits. Here are the three steps every household must take this hurricane season:


FIRST, make sure you have everything you need. Not sure what to stock up on? Here’s a list of what to put in your hurricane preparedness kit

  • Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
  • Food: non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
  • Medications (7-day supply) and medical items
  • Sanitation and personal hygiene items
  • Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
  • Family and emergency contact information
  • Map(s) of the area
  • Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • Whistle (to signal for help)
  • Deluxe family first aid kit
  • Extra cash
  • Extra batteries
  • Flashlight 
  • Cell phone with chargers
  • Emergency blanket

SECOND, make sure you have a plan for when a storm hits:

  • Talk with household members about what you would do during emergencies.
  • Plan what to do in case you are separated, and choose two places to meet - one right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency such as a fire, and another outside your neighborhood in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate.
  • Choose a contact person from out of the area and make sure all household members have this person’s phone number and email address. It may be easier to call long distance or text if local phone lines are overloaded or out of service.
  • Tell everyone in the household where emergency information and supplies are kept.
  • Practice evacuating your home twice a year. Drive your planned evacuation route and plot alternate routes on a map in case main roads are impassable.
  • Don’t forget your pets. If you must evacuate, make arrangements for your animals. Keep a phone list of “pet friendly” motels/hotels and animal shelters that are along your evacuation routes.

THIRD, be informed. Know the risks where you live, work, learn and play.

  • Hurricane season runs through Nov. 30, so be check Florida’s Division of Emergency Management’s website for more updates on hurricane season and preparedness.
  • Remember that emergencies like fires and blackouts can happen anywhere, so everyone should be prepared for them.
  • Understand the type of hazardous weather that affects where you live:
  • Find out how you would receive information from local officials in the event of an emergency.
  • Learn first aid and CPR/AED so that you have the skills to respond in an emergency before help arrives, especially during a disaster when emergency responders may not be as available.

As always, follow my daily work on social media by liking my Facebook page and following me on TwitterYouTube and Instagram and feel free to reach out to my offices in Florida or Washington, D.C. if my team or I can ever be of service.


In Service,




Michael Waltz

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