News from Representative Waltz

Dear Friend,

Thank you for reading my newsletter! My team and I continue to work for you and our community. It was a very eventful week and I’m excited to tell you about what we accomplished. Here are some highlights:

  • I attended the swearing-in ceremony of U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Brown
  • I welcomed U.S. Navy Secretary Braithwaite to Sparton in DeLeon Springs
  • I led a letter with 33 bipartisan colleagues calling for the Department of Defense to address the childcare gap for our military families

SWEARING IN OUR NEW AIR FORCE CHIEF: I was honored to recently attend the swearing-in of our new U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General CQ Brown, the first African-American to lead any branch of our Armed Forces. I believe Gen. Brown is beyond qualified for this job and is a great fit. I know he will be a strong, terrific leader for our military! 




Congratulating the new U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Brown at Joint Base Andrews


WELCOMING U.S. NAVY SECRETARY TO DELEON SPRINGS: This week, I had the honor of welcoming Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite to our district. We toured Sparton Corporation’s 200,000-square foot manufacturing facility in DeLeon Springs. Sparton is a leader in the engineering and manufacturing of critical technology for our military, which supplies technology for the U.S. Navy. We’re so proud to have Sparton in our district and I was very excited to visit the facility with Sec. Braithwaite!




Visiting Sparton Corp. in DeLeon Springs with Sparton CEO Bill Toti (middle)

and Sec. Braithwaite (right)


SUPPORTING OUR MILITARY FAMILIES: Nearly 1.2 million of our service members’ children under the age of 13 will require childcare in the fall because of school closures across the country. Right now, our military isn’t prepared to supply childcare for all of our service members and their families as a result of this increased need.


With lack of childcare as one of the biggest reasons service members with families leave the military, millions of military members could soon have to choose between having a family and serving their country. Our service members should not have to make a choice between childcare and serving. This is why I led a letter urging the Department of Defense to fill these childcare gaps so our military families have access to childcare and can keep serving. Click here to read the letter and learn more.


SHARING PPP SUCCESS STORIES: Over 11,000 businesses in our district have been saved by the Paycheck Protection Program. Is yours one of them? If so, I’d love to hear your story. I’ll be sharing these stories and highlighting PPP successes in our area in the coming weeks. If you’d like to nominate your business, click here or the photo below to fill out the form on my website and SHARE to spread the word.



GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Huge congrats to Port Orange’s very own Sarah Stegall broke Florida’s 28-year-old record for the 100-yard breaststroke! This record was previously held by U.S. Olympian Jilen Siroky. Not only did Sarah break that record at 11 years old but she also broke a national age-group record too. Awesome job, Sarah! Way to make our community proud!




Sarah Stegall from Port Orange (photo creditDaytona Beach News Journal)

HELPING YOU NAVIGATE THE FEDERAL BUREAUCRACY: Are you struggling to navigate federal bureaucracy? My office can help with the VA, a passport, Social Security, the IRS or any other federal agency. Click here for more information about how we can assist you or call one of my three district offices below: 

Please follow my daily work on social media by liking my Facebook page and following me on TwitterYouTube and Instagram. As always, feel free to reach out to my offices in Florida or Washington, D.C. if my team or I can ever be of service.


In Service,




Michael Waltz

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