Dear Friends,
On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General (DHS OIG) released the results of an investigation I called for in 2022. The investigation confirmed what I've been warning about for years: the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) allows illegal immigrants to board U.S. flights without being properly vetted.
DHS OIG found TSA’s weak screening procedures cannot ensure high-risk migrants who may pose a threat to the flying public will not board domestic flights.
I'm proud to have uncovered this alarming scandal that allows unvetted, unidentified illegal aliens to board commercial flights with minimal scrutiny, but I am also horrified by the Biden-Harris Administration's decision to prioritize illegal immigrants over securing our transportation system.
While the White House refuses to act, I am working with my colleagues to pass the SECURE Flights Act (H.R.1703) to end this reckless loophole and protect American families from unnecessary risks.

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