Dear Friends,
Last night, our fellow Americans spoke loudly and clearly in a damning indictment of Democrats’ failed policies. I have believed in President Trump since he first ran in 2016, and I believe in him now, more than ever.
When I am sworn in for my next term on January 3, I will immediately join with my Republican colleagues to deliver on a package of legislation that we are already working to send to President Trump’s desk when he is sworn in on January 20. In the meantime, I am working with the Trump transition team to ensure we hit the ground running.
The deep state swamp in Washington is terrified with the verdict rendered by the voters last night. Control of the House of Representatives is still undecided, but it is my prayer that a favorable outcome will be decided in the coming days. I will do all I can to protect the integrity of the ballot box, ensure the Secret Service protects the life of our next president, and I will fight with all my might in the final months of this corrupt administration as they pull out all the stops on their way to the exits.
Rest assured, we are on our way to making America great again, and our best days are ahead of us. The days of our frustration with inaction are coming to a close, and bold action by a conservative led government will restore our nation and renew our faith in democracy.
May God bless you and this great nation, and may you enjoy the victories of last night as much as I am.
With great respect and hope,

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