
May 16, 2022
Dear Friend:
Last week, Western Minnesota was hit by devastating storms. My office is continuing to monitor the needs of each county and reaching out to local and state officials. For those affected, please be sure you immediately contact your county representatives, crop insurance provider, and other local resources. My staff is also available to assist you in this process.
This week is National Police Week. I recently met with my Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Board to hear what I should be taking back to D.C. to best support them. Be sure to thank your local police officers and remember how much they risk to keep our communities safe.
Biden's "Ministry of Truth"
In recent interviews, DHS Secretary Mayorkas has mentioned a Disinformation Governance Board. This Board is now better known as Biden's "Ministry of Truth". The purpose of this board is to prevent Americans from hearing information that the Board deems to be "misinformation".
A board like this is at huge risk of political influence. This is seen clearly in its executive director, Nina Jankowicz, who has openly shared her anti-Trump bias, such as pushing the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion theory and pedaling falsehoods surrounding Hunter Biden's laptop. By selecting a clearly partisan director, President Biden is signaling that the Board will permit speech that only his party believes is correct and thus endangering the free speech of regular Americans.
As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, I co-signed a letter to DHS demanding information and a briefing on the establishment of the Disinformation Governance Board. I also sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, questioning the decision to monitor the thoughts of American citizens and the choice of appointing someone as openly biased as Nina Jankowicz as head of the Board.
Additionally, I have cosponsored the following bills:
- H.R. 7648 – This legislation would stop federal funding from being used in the creation or the operation of the Disinformation Governance Board.
- H.R. 7641 - The Protecting Free Speech Act would require the Department of Homeland Security to disband the Disinformation Governance Board and prevents federal funds from being used to create any related board in the future.
As your Congresswoman, I will continue to fight against the suppression of free speech. |
Baby Formula Shortage
The Biden Administration has called the supply chain crisis is a "high class" problem, but we all know it is a problem affecting the average American every day. Now, parents across Minnesota are scrambling to find baby formula, and we still haven't seen a sense of urgency from the liberal elites.
Last week, with my fellow Minnesota Republican colleagues, I sent a letter to the FDA Commissioner, demanding they tell us their plan to solve this crisis and ensure it does not happen again. I pray for a swift and decisive end to this catastrophe. |
The Unborn Protection Act
At the beginning of the year, The New York Times published a deeply troubling article that highlighted the frequent false-positive rate of noninvasive prenatal genetic screenings (85%) for rare genetic disorders. Unfortunately, these positive test results can lead to parents resorting to abortion.
It is unacceptable that the FDA isn't conducting proper oversight on these tests, so I led a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - joined by over 90 Republican colleagues - pressing the Food and Drug Administration for answers about its involvement with, and authority over, noninvasive prenatal testing.
In their response, the they acknowledged that today's genetic non-invasive prenatal screening tests have not been reviewed by the FDA, and while they welcome legislation surrounding the issue of accuracy in Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs), the FDA has yet to take any action themselves.
It is heartbreaking to think how many parents have resorted to having an abortion because of an inaccurate test result, and I am deeply concerned parents are being pressured to take these tests, not as a way to prepare for the arrival of their child, but as a financial windfall for medical manufacturers that results in ending an innocent life and it is irresponsible for this Administration to continue to allow the FDA and physicians to push prenatal tests that the FDA has admitted have high rates of inaccuracy.
That is why I introduced the Unborn Protection Act, which would prohibit discrimination by abortion against an unborn child on the basis of results from LDTs.
Congressional Art Competition Winners
Congratulations to this year’s Congressional Art Competition winners! Thank you to all the students across the 7th District who submitted work. I’m already looking forward to next year!

First Place goes to “Faces” by William, Hutchinson High School
William’s piece will hang in a special exhibit in the U.S. Capitol with winners from across the nation for one year.

2nd place: “Flower” by Irene, Underwood High School
Honorable Mention: "Octo" by Tyler, Underwood High School
Honorable Mention: "Narrow is the Road" by Issiah, Tabatt Homeschool Academy
I got to tour the AURI location in Marshall to see some of what they're working on. AURI's projects bolster ag communities all across the 7th District. |

Thank you to The Minnesota Hospital Association for coming by to discuss the healthcare workforce, investing in rural broadband, expanding access to telehealth services, and your Hospital Financial Wellbeing Report. |

Rural broadband is a top priority of mine. I was glad to have the Minnesota Telecommunications Alliance out to talk to me about challenges their members are having with deployment. |

It was wonderful to see Waubun students on a windy D.C. day as part of their Close Up DC trip! |

I had a great conversation with Big I Minnesota – a group of over 725 Minnesota insurance agencies – about so many important issues like the National Flood Insurance Program, terrorism insurance, crop insurance, healthcare, cyber security, and insurance regulatory reform. |
Thanks to the Dee Foundry team for the tour! DEE Inc. is a metal fabricator in Crookston that specializes in making aluminum alloys, custom aluminum castings, and subassembly. |
As NW Minnesota continues to fight snowmelt flooding, I met with people across the area including Polk County, city council members from Oslo, Crookston, Fisher, East Grand Forks, and the Knutson farm. Thank you all for meeting with me to discuss the flood impact and response in your areas. |
The Moorhead High School Career Academy is reimagining high school. They have courses to engage students in many fields like automotive, welding, construction, culinary arts, and medical! Options like this are so important for building a strong, engaged workforce. Thanks for the tour! |
I recently visited the Avian Flu Command Center in Willmar and the MN Poultry Testing Lab to tour the facilities and discuss the state’s management of HPAI. This is critical work as Minnesota’s poultry farmers continue to fight HPAI. Keep up the great work! |
Coming Up...
This week, the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to have a hearing on abortion. Because Democrats are in charge, this hearing is being called "Revoking Your Rights: The Ongoing Crisis in Abortion Care Access". The crisis is not abortion care access, the crisis is abortion itself. Abortion is one of the biggest tragedies in our nation, and you can be certain I will have some choice questions for this panel.
As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week!

Michelle Fischbach
Member of Congress
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