News from Congressman Chuck Edwards


Dear Friend,

The Federal Use it or Lose it Leases (FULL) Act that I introduced recently passed the House with bipartisan support as an amendment to the Utilizing Space Efficiently and Improving Technologies (USE It) Act.

With federal office space occupancy standing at less than 54 percent of pre-pandemic levels, Imagethe FULL Act will make sure the federal government only leases the office space it needs and will use.

Federal agencies are currently not required to regularly provide data about occupancy and the availability of leased space to the General Services Administration. Yet, federal government office leases cost taxpayers more than $6 billion a year.

My bill will keep taxpayers from footing the bill for unused office space by making sure the federal government only leases the office space it will use.

These key pieces of legislation help fight government waste by seeking accountability for how the government uses our resources. It’s time for these government agencies to use it or lose it.

Read: House passes Edwards’ bill to slash spending on vacant government office space

Putting an end to China’s influence via TikTok

The Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act recently passed the House with bipartisan support.

I voted for this bill to prevent foreign adversaries like Communist China from targeting, surveilling and manipulating the American people through online applications like TikTok.

As there’s some confusion of what exactly this bill does, I want to clarify that it does not ban TikTok. Instead, it would require that, for the app to remain available in U.S. app stores, TikTok must no longer be controlled by a foreign adversary of the United States, such as China.

TikTok is currently owned by CCP-controlled, Beijing-headquartered Bytedance. If Bytedance sold TikTok sold to another entity that doesn’t represent a national security threat to the U.S., the app can continue to operate and be accessible to American users.

This bill offers a balanced approach that addresses the immediate national security threat posed by TikTok while providing a pathway for the app to remain available to users across the nation.

Protecting American land from foreign investors, climate activists

During my district work period, I had the opportunity to hear about the issues that are top of mind for citizens of North Carolina’s 11th District, and I appreciated a constituent who expressed their support for the Protect America’s Lands Act.

The Protect America’s Lands Act, which I’m co-sponsoring, protects U.S. land from wokeImage capital and foreign takeovers.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued notice of a proposed rule change to allow the New York Stock Exchange to list Natural Asset Companies (NACs) as a new type of public company that would hold rights over areas such as national parks, federal lands and private lands.

The SEC’s proposal would allow NACs to obtain exclusive rights to American land and prevent that land from being used to produce natural resources. What concerns me most is that the proposal would also allow individuals, including foreign investors, to buy shares of these companies, thereby purchasing large parts of our God-given natural landscape and locking away critical resources.

Although the NYSE withdrew its proposed rule change, we need to make sure that the SEC cannot approve such harmful rules in the future. The Protect America’s Lands Act will defend our land from foreign and radical ESG capital takeovers by stopping the SEC from approving similar rules in the future.

Read: Republicans unveil effort protecting federal lands from foreign investors, climate activists

Investigating the history of Indian boarding schools in WNC

Tribal communities throughout our nation have endured suffering and trauma across the decades.

Many Indian boarding schools that were established across America forced young children to leave their families, cut their hair and speak English only.

As the congressional representative of those living in the Qualla Boundary, I want to make sure I am doing whatever is possible to right these wrongs and help bring closure to those whom Indian boarding schools affected in a consequential way.

That is why I am a proud cosponsor of the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act. This legislation would establish a commission to investigate, document and report to Congress on the history of Indian boarding schools and the long-term impacts on tribal communities.

Read: Opinion: Chuck Edwards wants history of Indian boarding schools in WNC investigated

The real State of the Union

During the president's State of the Union address, I wish we had heard more specifics about his plans to address our border crisis, skyrocketing inflation, surging violent crime and the Imageweakened national security policies.

Despite the president’s attempt to paint a different picture of reality during his address, Western North Carolinians can see that his leadership has led our nation from crisis to crisis.

Although Republicans in the House may have a razor-thin majority, I will not give up on pushing for policies that put our nation back on a path that leads to more freedom, security and opportunities for all Western North Carolinians.

Read: Edwards contrasts Biden’s SOTU address with Republican vision for America

Fighting for justice for victims of sanctuary cities

The Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act that I introduced will help address the harmfulImage effects of sanctuary policies by bringing justice for victims and the families of those who have been harmed by an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary jurisdiction.

Sanctuary cities are compromising Americans’ safety by refusing to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), allowing illegal immigrants with criminal records to freely roam the streets in our neighborhoods.

This administration’s open border policies continue to have devastating consequences, and this bill will hold sanctuary jurisdictions accountable for their refusal to cooperate with federal immigration law enforcement and provide victims an avenue to seek justice.

Read: Edwards introduces bill to demand justice for victims of sanctuary cities

Examining the president’s budget

As a member of the House Budget Committee entrusted with the critical task of shaping our nation's fiscal policies, I want to shed light on the profound disparities between the president’s recently unveiled fiscal year 2025 budget and the vision put forth by the Republican members of the House Budget Committee.

The president’s budget proposal, while ambitious in its aims, raises significant concerns about the potential effect on American families, producers and the overall economic health of our nation. Chief among these concerns is the proposal's staggering $4.9 trillion in new taxes, a burden that would fall squarely on the shoulders of hardworking Americans and the very businesses that drive our economy forward. By 2031, federal revenues under the president’s plan would soar to levels not seen since World War II, representing over a fifth of our GDP - a level of taxation that could stifle economic growth and innovation.

Furthermore, the president’s budget calls for an unprecedented $86.6 trillion in spending over the next decade. Such astronomical spending would lead to the largest debt in American history by 2034, surpassing $52.7 trillion, with interest payments alone amounting to a staggering $12.2 trillion. This level of soaring interest payments would exceed even the entire defense budget. Moreover, the president's budget includes provisions that are deeply troubling, such as the removal of work requirements from the Child Tax Credit, turning it into an unconditional cash grant, and perpetuating policies that undermine our border security and energy independence.

Republican House Budget Committee’s plan to balance the budget

In contrast, the Republican House Budget Committee’s proposal offers a responsible and sustainable alternative. Our plan does not resort to imposing new taxes on American families and producers, recognizing that excessive taxation stifles economic growth and hampers job creation. By prioritizing fiscal discipline, our proposal balances the budget within 10 years, with deficits $10.4 trillion lower than those projected in the president's budget. Image

By curbing unnecessary spending and promoting policies that foster economic growth, we aim to chart a course toward long-term prosperity for all Americans. Additionally, our budget invests wisely in initiatives that prioritize the wellbeing of our citizens and bolster our nation's competitiveness on the global stage.

The math shows that the Republican House Budget Committee's budget represents a commitment to fiscal responsibility, economic growth and the prosperity of all Americans. I will persist in moving these principles and goals forward, making sure that our nation's finances are managed prudently for the benefit of current and future generations.

NC-11’s Congressional Award Winner


It was exciting to present my first Congressional Award to Asheville High School student, Sophie Van Arnam.

Sophie earned the award’s bronze medal by completing 200 hours of service over seven months, with 100 of those hours in public volunteer service, 50 hours in personal development, and 50 hours in physical fitness, in addition to a two-day expedition.

Not only is her drive, discipline and commitment impressive, but Sophie has long contributed to our community through tutoring underserved youth and civic engagement. Congratulations, Sophie!

If you or anyone you know is interested in starting your journey to attain the prestigious Congressional Award, visit my website here.

Read: Edwards announces his first Congressional Award winner

With my warmest regards,





Chuck Edwards
Member of Congress



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