District Update |September 20, 2021                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

Last week we celebrated National Small Business Week. I want to thank our AZ-06 small business owners for their tireless work and contributions to our community. It is because of you that we have a thriving local economy.

Keep up the great work!

                 Democrats Refuse Bipartisanship


Wednesday concluded the second week of the Ways and Means mark up on the $3.5 trillion tax and spending bill. I introduced a number of amendments to hold President Biden to his promise of making sure this bill is one hundred percent paid for. Below are some of them:

  • The "Protecting the Value of Seniors' Lives" amendment that would prohibit importing of foreign nations' crass assessment of the dollar value of seniors' lives as the basis to negotiate prices for drugs.
  • The "No Global Tax Surrender" amendment to stop President Biden's proposal to make it better to be a foreign company or worker than an American one--and from which China would be exempt.
  • And the "Bipartisan Connect" amendment to ensure that those who get special tax cuts are those who truly need it--rather than allowing the wealthy to receive them--and to promote telehealth.

Despite being common sense measures that benefit the average American, my brothers and sisters on the left instead chose to prioritize partisanship. If the Democrats are unwilling to compromise on reaching common ground, Americans making less than $400,000 a year will be left to foot the bill.

                         Right-to-Work is at Stake
Arizona is a right-to-work state, meaning that our employers cannot require their employees to have union membership. The Democrats' spending bill includes a provision that will effectively undo this. Under their new plan, employees will have to negotiate their benefit agreements through a union.

This provision will negate the very freedoms that right-to-work was created to protect. It is their backdoor way to impose federal labor policy on state sovereignty. The left's onslaught on right-to-work states will affect the lives of many Arizonans. For example, teachers would no longer be eligible for paid medical leave without union membership.

I will continue to fight against the Democrats' harmful policies that will hurt the American people.

Introducing the PAWS Off Act of 2021Image

Last week, I introduced the PAWS Off Act, an essential piece of bipartisan legislation that will protect our pets from a deadly chemical ingredient found in numerous household products.

Sugar alcohol, xylitol, can be found in items such as chewing gum, breathe mints, and toothpaste. When ingested, it can be life threatening to pets. Recent reports have shown an increased use of xylitol in products, making it all the more difficult for pet owners to decipher which items are safe.

This legislation would amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require foods containing xylitol to be considered mislabeled unless it includes a warning label specifying its toxic effects. This would be done through a rulemaking process within one-year of enactment.

As a dog owner myself, I understand just how important these members of our families are. I will continue to shed light on the ways we can keep our pets out of harm's way.

                          Failure At Our BorderImage
The crisis at the border continues to be troubling. Since President Biden took office, over one million illegal immigrants have crossed our Southern border. This Administration continues to downplay the gravity of the situation.

Due to this immigration crisis, human and drug traffickers have been empowered to enter America--putting our citizens at risk. In the past year, Fentanyl seizures have nearly doubled and over 18,000 unaccompanied minors were found. Included in these staggering numbers, are another 8 million undocumented immigrants, of which the Democrats plan to provide with legal status to adhere to the President's economic agenda.

This Administration has turned a blind eye to the ever-growing danger at our Southern border and is creating a public safety disaster.

I will continue to push back on this Administrations reckless negligence in dealing with this crisis.

       Roundtable with Arizona Farm Bureau and            ...................local leaders in agriculture
On Thursday, I sat down with the Arizona Farm Bureau and experts from the University of Arizona to discuss the future of technology in agriculture in Arizona.

With a growing population and changing environment, we discussed the importance of innovative technology to support the resources our farmers and ranchers need. Effective agriculture practices in Arizona are crucial to improving the healthcare and wellness of individuals and families, and utilizing new technology can help create these solutions.

Congratulations to the Arizona Farm Bureau for 100 years of supporting our state's agriculture industry!

         Service Academy Nomination Application

The application deadline to nominate a distinguished individual to a Service Academy is quickly approaching. If you have a family member or know someone who you would like to be considered for this nomination, please fill out the application here.

Applications are due October 8th.

Thank you for taking the time to catch up on what I've been working on over the past week. I always encourage you to reach out to provide your helpful feedback or get your questions answered.


David Schweikert

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