News from Representative Larson

Dear Friends,

Almost 100 days have gone by since the House of Representatives passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021,  the Enhanced Background Checks Act, which would close the “Charleston Loophole,” and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act.  I am proud to support these bills along with Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s bill, Ethan’s Law, requiring the safe storage of weapons, and Rep. David Cicilline’s Assault Weapons Ban legislation.    

This past Friday was National Gun Violence Awareness Day, where we remembered all the lives we have lost to gun violence. In our own community, we recently lost 19 year old Makhi Buckly, grandson to violence prevention leader Brother Carl Hardrick, to senseless gun violence. We cannot grow numb to these preventable tragedies in our communities and across the country.    

You can watch my remarks at a Gun Violence Awareness Day event at St. Francis Hospital with Senators Blumenthal and Murphy below.  

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I proudly submitted funding requests to the House Appropriations Committee for Mothers United Against Violence and Hartford Communities That Care. These two organizations, and others in Hartford, work tirelessly to help victims of gun violence and prevent a further escalation of violence.   

I will continue to fight in Congress for common-sense gun violence prevention. To follow what I’m working on both in Washington and in Connecticut, visit my Facebook pagefollow me on Twitter, or follow me on Instagram

John B. Larson
Member of Congress


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