Working for America's Seniors
I am proud to say that last week I introduced two pieces of legislation to support America's seniors: the Protecting Rural Seniors Access to Care Act and the Hardworking Seniors Act.
As you may know, this year the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a new rule requiring minimum staffing standards for long-term care facilities. This rule was issued despite the fact that a report commissioned by CMS itself expressed reservations about this rule. Most notably, this report said there was "no single staffing level that would guarantee quality care." I am deeply disappointed the administration continued to move forward with this rule given the public knows their reservations regarding its efficacy. If the one-size-fits-all staffing ratios issued by CMS are put in place, it will devastate facilities across greater Minnesota, forcing them to either decrease the number of patients they serve even further, or close their doors entirely. In response to this decision, I introduced the Protecting Rural Seniors Access to Care Act, which will keep CMS from implementing this rule until it can prove it will not result in the closure of skilled nursing facilities, will not harm patient access, and will not make workforce shortage issues worse in areas that are already struggling.
I also introduced the Hardworking Seniors Act, which allows America's working seniors that are currently enrolled in Medicare Part A to continue making contributions to their health savings account (HSA). This is something seniors across the 7th District have reached out to me about, and with people working later and later into their lives, it just makes sense. I am also happy to say that this bill was included in the HSA Modernization Act, which has passed through the Ways and Means Committee and is now waiting to be brought to the House Floor for a vote.

I am grateful for the feedback I received from my constituents like those at Ridge View Estates in Pipestone, and am proud to represent and defend their interests in Washington. |