
December 11, 2023

Dear Friend:


Every year, I get the opportunity to nominate students for admission to military academies. This year, I was honored to nominate nine remarkable students from the 7th District. I am so encouraged to see young men and women with such promising futures feel called to serve our country and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for each of them.




If you or someone you know is interested in applying to a military service academy, please visit my website.


Fighting for Minnesota's Ag Workers

Last week, I met with my North and South Agriculture Advisory Committees. Around 40 members got to hear updates from Agriculture Committee Chairman GT Thompson about the committee's progress on the Farm Bill. He is committed to making sure this year's bill puts America's farmers first and, while the 2018 Farm Bill has been extended through next fall, he is hoping this year's Farm Bill will have floor time as soon as February or March. I, like the Chairman, would like to see it move through the process sooner rather than later. I'm so grateful for the committee members whose input helps my colleagues and I pass effective legislation that is most helpful to ag producers and their employees.

I also participated in the Ag Committee's member day, which is when any member can speak directly to the committee members about their concerns and priorities. I shared my thoughts on crop insurance and disaster assistance, noting that it would be better for taxpayers and for farmers to strengthen those programs and not rely on the ad hoc assistance that has some farmers waiting for years to receive assistance. You can watch my full testimony here.



Expanding Housing Options for Rural Veterans

Access to community-based care has been a serious challenge for veterans in the 7th District and across rural America. Congress is taking action and finding solutions to these challenges. Last week, the House overwhelmingly passed the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act, named for a woman who dedicated so much of her life to aging and disabled veterans. This legislation supports rural veterans by expanding their access to long-term home and community-based care. Currently, if a veteran moves into nursing home care that is not a Veteran's Affairs (VA) facility, law limits VA expenditures to 65% of the cost that would be incurred if a veteran were living in a VA home. This bill increases the amount to a full 100%. 


Keeping Terrorist Dollars Out of Higher Education

Colleges and universities regularly receive monetary gifts from foreign entities. The increase in anti-Semitism on college campuses has prompted many of us to ask what kind of influence terrorist organizations and their sympathizers could be having on students. Last week, the House passed the Defending Education Transparency and Ending Rogue Regimes Engaging in Nefarious Transactions, or DETERRENT Act, which lowers the foreign gift reporting requirement from $250,000 to $50,000. It also requires them to report ALL gifts from countries and entities of concern, like China, Iran, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations.


Overturning Biden's EV Mandate

Last month, nearly 4,000 car dealers told President Biden they don't want his proposed electric vehicle (EV) mandate. This mandate forces Americans to buy electric vehicles, whether they meet the transportation needs of the individual or not, and helps China, who has the vast majority of the capacity to manufacture EV batteries. For a long time, rural communities like those in the 7th District have been saying this mandate makes no sense. Now, the proof is in the sales. Biden needs to stop catering to the far-Left Green New Deal wing of the party and back down on this issue before he does any more damage to the economy. Last week, the House passed the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act, which overturns the President's proposal and protects consumer choice.


Thanks for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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