
February 5, 2024

Dear Friend:


Minnesotans need and deserve tax relief to keep up with rising costs. I am proud to say that the House passed the Tax Relief for American Families and Worker's Act to reinvigorate the American economy, strengthen American competitiveness, support working families, help small business productivity by expanding innovation and cutting red tape, and eliminate fraud and waste, saving over $70 billion in taxpayer dollars.





Urging House Leadership to Delist Gray Wolves under ESA

The gray wolf was first listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1978. The population has long since recovered, exceeding the original federal delisting goals and becoming a menace in northern Minnesota. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS), under both Democrat and Republican Administrations, has repeatedly attempted to delist the gray wolf administratively but have been challenged with politically motivated lawsuits by activists hoping to raise money by keeping them listed forever. Most recently, these efforts have been blocked by a judge in northern California in 2022. 

Last week, I co-signed a letter to House Leadership and Appropriations Committee leadership requesting any Fiscal Year 2024 spending package include the delisting the gray wolf under the ESA. As our letter states, ‘state governments are fully qualified to responsibly manage gray wolf populations and are better able to meet the needs of local communities, ranchers, livestock, and wildlife populations.' We cannot let an activist judge thousands of miles away decide what is best for Minnesota and I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure the delisting of gray wolves in Appropriations legislation.


Touring Camp Ripley

I was recently in the Little Falls area, where I got to see what Camp Ripley has been working on and take a memorable tour in one of their Humvees.

Fort Ripley opened in 1849 and become Camp Ripley in 1877. Today, it serves as a training center for local law enforcement, the Department of Defense, and is the Minnesota National Guard's primary training facility. I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone I met that day, and thank you for your service to this nation!

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Repealing Biden's Gas Furnace Ban

The Biden Administration is once again bending to the will of the extreme Green New Deal agenda. This time, the Department of Energy wants to ask working class Americans with gas furnaces to replace them with electric ones, limiting choices, further burdening the electrical grid, and unnecessarily costing families thousands of dollars. Under the Administration's rule, manufacturers could only sell furnaces that convert at least 95% of fuel into heat within six years. The National Propane Gas Association estimates that this rule would remove up to 60% of current residential furnaces from the market. Replacing these furnaces is not just as simple as buying a new electric furnace. Gas furnaces use vastly different venting systems from electrical furnaces. DOE estimates that the real cost to install a new non-condensing furnace could be as high as $6,336.

The far-Left is trying to force their agenda by any means possible, including directly into the homes of the American people. My colleagues and I will do everything we can to keep that from happening.

Last week, Congressman Pat Fallon (TX-04), and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and I introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) to repeal the Biden's Department of Energy's Final Rule to ban gas furnaces.


Minnesota Rural Electric Association

The Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA) invited me to join their meeting while they were out in D.C. and it was great to hear their updates and have a conversation with them about how decisions made in Washington impact their industry. For example, the gas furnace ban mentioned above is just one example of how this administration doesn't understand how its policies impact real people across the country. As Minnesotans already know, replacing items people use on a daily basis like furnaces, stoves, and vehicles with the electric option is expensive and is not the safe or effective option in cold environments like ours. The MREA also understands the additional strain all of these mandates will put on our already over-burdened electrical grid. I look forward to talking with the common-sense industry workers across America to bring the federal government back to reality and keep these ridiculous mandates out of our homes.

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Now Accepting Summer Internship Applications

My team is now accepting applications for our paid Summer internships in my D.C., Willmar, and Moorhead offices. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience working in Congress on things that matter to the 7th District and to America. Click here if you or someone you know may be interested!


Thanks for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great weekend!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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