
February 11, 2024

Dear Friend:


The Biden administration has let the situation at the border get completely out of control. Since taking office, there have been more than 8 million illegal crossings at the southern border. That is larger than the entire state of Minnesota. It is irresponsible, negligent, and dangerous. And yet, they aren't even willing to use the word "crisis." 


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This week, I made another trip down to the border to see the situation for myself and to talk to local law enforcement and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents to see their work and discuss the impacts of illegal immigration as well as the challenges they have been facing day in and day out in the era of open-border policies. 




Ways & Means Committee Hearing on Chronic Drug Shortages

There are over 250 medications in short supply in America today, including critical medications for people with asthma and even cancer. These shortages hit small, rural hospitals like ours in the 7th District the hardest, since they are the least able to build adequate inventories. This means that some of these hospitals simply cannot afford to provide life-saving chemotherapy to cancer patients. It is shocking to me that for all of our technological breakthroughs in treatment, especially thanks to the research done in the United States, rural America is still being left behind.

One reason for this dangerous shortage is that America relies on other countries to manufacture our life-saving drugs. China, our adversary, is a leading source of pharmaceutical product imports. That means that if they (or any other manufacturing country) decide to start putting export bans in place, the U.S. will be completely without key drugs. As one of the witnesses, Dr. Stephen Schondelmeyer put it, "We don't rely on other countries to make the bullets when we fight wars, especially our sworn enemies." 

This is a complex issue, but it quickly becomes a life or death one for many people in this country, and I am looking forward to working with my colleagues to find lasting solutions.

You can watch the full hearing here.


Hearing Device Coverage and Clarification Act

The federal government is at odds with itself and getting in the way of innovation, yet again. There is new technology for fully implanted middle ear hearing devices that could change the lives of thousands of people across the country. Because this device must be surgically implanted and the patient cannot remove it without a surgical procedure, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified such devices as prosthetics. And yet, CMS is still classifying them as hearing aids. This distinction matters because, when classified as a hearing aid, Medicare beneficiaries and those covered by private health insurance do not have access unless they pay out of pocket. These are devices that could help countless people regain their hearing, but CMS wants to price so many of them out of taking that monumental step for their well-being.

To keep CMS from pricing out people whose lives could be changed by this new technology, I introduced the Hearing Device Coverage Clarification Act, which clarifies that fully implanted active middle ear hearing devices are prosthetics that are not subject to the hearing aid coverage exclusion.


On the road in the 7th District

I love it when I can get back to western Minnesota and talk to business owners, industry workers, and government officials. I am here to represent you and hearing from you about what's going on in your communities and your concerns is the best way for me to take the fight back to D.C and make sure we're passing legislation that allows you to do your best work and strengthen our rural communities.

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Thank you to Marine Innovations for having me out to tour your facilities while I was in Frazee. Manufacturers are the backbone of our economy and I am grateful for your thoughts and concerns on policies affecting your industry. 

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Corner Home Medical is a family-owned and operated medical equipment company in Willmar. It was great hearing from the lovely people who run the business as well as some of the patients who shared how their services have benefitted them.

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I met with the city of Glenwood to talk about some of the things they've been working on, and had an especially productive conversation about the healthcare and workforce challenges their city has been tracking.


Now Accepting Summer Internship Applications

We are now accepting applications for our paid Summer internships in my D.C., Willmar, and Moorhead offices. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience working in Congress on things that matter to the 7th District and to America. Click here if you or someone you know may be interested!



Thanks for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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