January 25th, 2023
RECAP: Congresswoman Kat Cammack Hosts Presser On REINS Act

Today, Congresswoman Kat Cammack hosted a press conference to mark the introduction of H.R. 277, the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny Act of 2023 (REINS). The bill, which would reassert Congress' legislative authority and prevent excessive overreach by the executive branch in the federal rulemaking process, currently has 179 Republican cosponsors, making it one of the most popular bills so far this Congress.

The bill would require every new "major rule" proposed by federal agencies to be approved by both the House and Senate before going into effect. It would also preserve Congress' authority to disapprove of a "non-major rule" through a joint resolution.


The press conference went live this afternoon at 2pm. You can watch the Members' remarks by clicking the image above.

"With 179 cosponsors, this bill has become front-and-center for the Republican agenda in reining [in] this overreaching, overburdensome government that has spiraled out of control," said Rep. Cammack. "I like to say that the regulatory regime is quite literally the biggest, but the quietest, American dream-killer. It has an impact on every aspect of our lives—from the services that we use, to the products that we consume, and the way we operate our businesses. The regulatory regime is out-of-control in dictating every element of our livelihoods, our business, and beyond."


"Under President Biden, a concerning trend has escalated to a catastrophic crisis," said Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer. "Our economy continues to be weighted down with ever larger regulator burdens while Americans grapple with 40-year high inflation due to the Biden administration's failed policies. Regulations during the first two years of this administration have cost our economy almost $309 billion dollars. We cannot trust a bloated federal government to hold itself accountable. It's time for Congress to halt the overreach of these federal agencies and hold unelected bureaucrats accountable. We are proud to support the REINS Act, and the Republican majority will continue to fight to end the Biden administration's unchecked power grab."


House Majority Whip, Representative Tom Emmer of Minnesota's 6th Congressional District

"Currently there are 1.3 million regulations on the books, costing our economy over 2 trillion dollars a year," Cammack continued. "It's pretty simple—you start pulling regulations off the books that don't make people safer, products safer, and that are really there just to find a home and to drive revenue for that agency. By doing this, we can start to see some relief for the American people. The REINS [Act] does just this. It takes steps to address regulatory actions by requiring every new major rule proposed by federal agencies to be approved by Congress before going into effect."


Rep. Cammack first introduced this bill in March 2021 during the 117th Congress.


From the Foundation for Government Accountability: 
"As a fellow Floridian, Rep. Cammack knows how consequential something like the REINS Act can be, because we’ve seen this proven policy work in our own state. The REINS Act is a powerful tool Congress can use to reclaim the power of the purse and protect the American people from unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats’ damaging and expensive regulations." - Tarren Bragdon, President and CEO of FGA
From Associated Builders and Contractors: 
"ABC once again supports the reintroduction of the REINS Act, a commonsense proposal that acknowledges the devastating impact that federal overreach can have on jobs and the economy.  The Biden administration has issued numerous rulemakings resulting in overly burdensome and unnecessary regulations that have increased construction costs, which leads to job cuts and project cancellations that harm hardworking Americans. The REINS Act will ensure improved collaboration between Congress and the White House to provide a more effective and thoughtful regulatory process that promotes a healthy, safe and productive construction industry." - ABC Vice President of Legislative & Political Affairs Kristen Swearingen


Over 130 House Republicans are set to introduce legislation to rein in federal regulations that cost taxpayers trillions of dollars every year and are the "silent killer" of the American dream.

The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act, or the REINS Act, is a bill that Republicans have pushed for years, and one they will try again to pass now that Republicans control the House.

"When you think about all the challenges that we're facing as a nation, from our national security concerns to hyperinflation the thing that no one talks about is the regulatory environment," Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., told Fox News Digital. "And it truly is the silent killer of not just the American dream, but I mean, it is contributing significantly to this hyperinflation."
Cammack said there are over 1 million "unique regulations" in place from by executive agencies that preside over various industries including farming, fishing, energy and others. Compliance costs and economic impacts cost Americans trillions each year.

"Whether you are a business owner, or heck, even an employee, you have to abide by certain things that sometimes just don't make that much sense," Cammack said.




