News from Congressman Banks



As your representative and fellow conservative, I wanted to provide for you a brief update on what I plan on doing to fight for conservative values in Washington in the years ahead.


Fighting for conservative values 

Yesterday, I had the honor of being elected chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the largest caucus in Congress. 

As the heart and soul of the conservative movement in the House, the RSC is stronger than ever as we lead the fight for conservative values and push back against the radical socialist wing policies that effectively control the Democrat Party today.

We will have our work cut out for us, but I won't back down from the fight!

Rep. Banks: 'Trumpism' is the future


President Trump helped Republicans attract the highest share of working-class people in our history. The Republican Party must build on Trump’s success by putting American workers first while remembering other policies that the Republican Party has traditionally championed.

That means embracing trade deals and immigration laws that put workers first. It means recognizing, just as Trump has, that China presents an economic and military threat to our national security. We must also not forget traditional conservative beliefs in fiscal responsibility, law and order, and a strong national defense.

But having the right ideas is just half the battle. The other half is implementing it.

Conservatives demand action and the fulfillment of promises. Republicans have often failed to fulfill their mandate from constituents. That is, until Trump came along, who fought harder than any other candidate in modern political history to fulfill the promises he made. The 45th president will go down in history as a man of action, and Republicans should feel emboldened to follow his lead.

Fighting the far-Left's agenda 


In addition to championing conservative legislation that puts American workers and families first, the Republican Study Committee will also provide conservative counterprogramming to the Squad’s socialist agenda.

Americans do not support a government takeover of healthcare, they reject the job-killing "Green New Deal," and oppose calls for open borders and 'Defunding the Police."

In contrast, the RSC will work to champion legislation popular not with radical activists but with the American people. 

That will include:

  • Producing a blueprint for a balanced budget
  • Addressing Big Tech censorship by working to reform Section 230
  • Fighting any effort by House Democrats to force taxpayers paying for abortion by protecting the Hyde Amendment
  • Protecting Trump-era defense spending levels from cuts, and much more.

Ensuring free and fair elections


Additionally, I will continue to support legislation that ensures our country has free and fair elections. 

Yesterday, I introduced the Restoring Faith in Our Elections Act to help combat voter fraud and secure the country’s electoral system.

The Restoring Faith in Our Elections Act would:

  • Modify the Help America Voter Act to mandate that Social Security numbers be included on all federal elections’ voter registration information. The legislation mandates that this must be in effect by the 2020 midterm elections.
  • Require states to use Social Security to cross-check the identifications of individuals who vote in elections for federal office in the state with the identifications of those registered to vote in the state.
  • States must release the match rate in a report to the House Administration Committee, the Senate Rules Committee, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) within seven days of the federal elections.
  • The report must identify the number of attempts to use Social Security during the federal election illegitimately.


- "Banks to chair conservative Congressional caucus" WPTA21

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Thanks for reading,

Jim Banks
Member of Congress
Indiana's Third District


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