Dear Friend, 

While the 118th Congress has just begun, we are already hard at work fulfilling our mandate from the American people. In just the past few weeks, we have reopened the doors of the people’s House, passed legislation to keep the IRS off the backs of working families, and created a select committee to stand strong against China. Next on our list: bringing back accountability to Washington.

For too long, single-party rule in Washington has enabled overreach from unelected bureaucrats and sitting officials alike. This is especially concerning when the power of the federal government is used with political motives against American citizens. Whether it takes the form of conservative activists being audited by the IRS or parents being labeled “domestic terrorists” by the Department of Education, overreach is unacceptable.

This month, House Republicans took an unprecedented step to ensure government accountability when we established the new Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. This subcommittee, which will be chaired by Representative Jim Jordan, will conduct investigations on the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice’s authority to collect information on the American people. The subcommittee will also study how these agencies obtain their information, and whether they violate any laws or civil liberties in doing so.

It doesn’t stop there. House Republicans are keeping a close eye on the entire federal government to make sure it is working for the American people, not against us. With our new majority, we will finally have oversight and accountability in the House of Representatives. 






               This mailing was prepared using official funds authorized by the U.S. House of Representatives.
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