Dear Friend, 

Our southern border has never been this bad.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 302,000 migrant encounters—a population about the size of Saint Paul---in December alone. This is the largest number of crossings ever recorded.

We’re already seeing severe consequences here at home. Just last week, the Minneapolis Park Police recovered an “extraordinary” 1,700 pills containing fentanyl from a vehicle near Elliot Park. If they were not seized, these pills could have killed countless Minnesotans. A weak border puts all of us at risk.

We’ve made securing our southern border a top priority. When we took back the majority in the House of Representatives, we passed the Secure the Border Act. This corrects the course from President Biden’s open-border policies by hiring more Border Patrol agents, re-instating Trump-era policies like Remain in Mexico, and forcing the Biden Administration to resume building the border wall.

It isn’t enough to fix the policy; we need to hold those who created this mess accountable. In the coming days, the House Committee on Homeland Security plans to begin hearings and taking up articles of impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. This action takes place after nearly a year of comprehensive investigations into Mayorkas’s poor leadership.  

We know who’s responsible for this crisis, and it’s time for them to answer to the American people.

An open border puts the safety of every American at risk, and we won’t turn a blind eye as the Biden administration sacrifices our national security. As these priorities move forward, we’ll be sure to keep you informed about our work to secure the southern border.






This mailing was prepared using official funds authorized by the U.S. House of Representatives.
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